Advantages and Problems Regarding Content and Language Integrated Learning on the Example of Miina Härma Gymnasium



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Tartu Ülikool


In recent years Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has attracted much attention in Europe and other parts of the world as a way of acquiring any foreign language in the natural environments. Therefore, the research project presented in this thesis was carried out to learn more about the usefulness of CLIL. Thus, the thesis deals with the advantages and problems of CLIL. The purpose of the thesis is to provide an overview of the most relevant literature regarding CLIL. The goal of the action research is to investigate what the CLIL teachers and the CLIL students of Miina Härma Gymnasium, Tartu see as the advantages and problems of CLIL, in reality being a part of it themselves. Consequently, the present thesis has a potential to make a valuable contribution to the field of CLIL application research. Chapter one is based on secondary sources and gives an overview of the different methods most often used within CLIL, thereafter the main advantages of CLIL are described, which are followed by the most common problems regarding CLIL. Furthermore, there is a section about its educational service. The next section provides information on CLIL in Estonia, followed by the description of the qualities of good CLIL teachers and strategies for teachers towards quality CLIL. Last, ten tips for CLIL teachers of maths and science are presented and discussed. Chapter two introduces the methods and the results of an action research conducted in the scope of the present thesis. The purpose of the thesis was to carry out research on the advantages and problems regarding CLIL on the example of Miina Härma Gymnasium and also to get feedback on how the CLIL students have comprehended the terminology of chemistry and can apply the knowledge to more practical tasks. Five CLIL teachers and also five CLIL students of Miina Härma Gymnasium were interviewed. In addition to that, a chemistry test on the properties of metals was carried out. Nine CLIL students and nine control group students completed the test. The results of the study were analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively.


Supervisor: Natalja Zagura


üliõpilastööd, magistritööd, LAK-õpe, reaalainete õpetamine gümnaasiumis, keemia didaktika, inglise keele didaktika, didaktika
