Post-Quantum Secure Cloud Computation Over Encrypted Data
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Tartu Ülikool
In recent years, cloud computing has gained significant popularity as businesses increasingly
use it for data training purposes. However, this widespread adoption raises privacy concerns,
particularly in light of regulations such as the GDPR. Additionally, there is an imminent need
to prepare for the potential threats posed by quantum computers, which can easily break most
current encryption methods. In response to these challenges, we have undertaken research on
"Post-Quantum Secure Cloud Computation Over Encrypted Data" to address privacy issues in
a manner resilient to quantum attacks. Our study provides a detailed proof of concept, using
Zama’s "Encrypted Health Prediction" tutorial as an example, to demonstrate the feasibility and
practicality of creating SaaS applications that are secure against quantum threats and capable of
training encrypted data in the cloud.
Cloud computing, Post-quantum cryptography, Fully homomorphic encryption