Kõiketeadev silur arenduskeskkonnale Thonny
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Thonny on Python 3 programmeerimiskeele integreeritud arenduskeskkond algajatele programmeerijatele. Bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on dokumenteerida Thonny tagasüsteemi ning silurit ja täiendada Thonny silurit, andes sellele programmi eelmiste olekute kuvamise võimekuse, mida kutsutakse kõiketeadvaks silumiseks. Esmalt tutvustatakse lugejale levinumaid silumistehnikaid. Seejärel antakse ülevaade Thonnyst ja tema hetke versiooni funktsionaalsustest. Siis kirjeldatakse Thonny praeguse siluri arhitektuuri, teostatava kõiketeadva siluri arhitektuuri ja elluviimist. Lõpuks esitatakse esialgsed beetatestimise tulemused.
Thonny is an integrated development environment for Python 3 programming language, designed for beginner programmers. This thesis aims to document Thonny’s back-end, debugger and improve Thonny’s debugger by giving it the ability to display previous program states, called omniscient debugging. The reader is first introduced to common debugging techniques. Then an overview of Thonny and its current version’s functionalities is given. After that, the architecture of Thonny’s current debugger, the structure and the implementation of the omniscient debugger are described. Finally, the preliminary beta testing results are presented.
Thonny is an integrated development environment for Python 3 programming language, designed for beginner programmers. This thesis aims to document Thonny’s back-end, debugger and improve Thonny’s debugger by giving it the ability to display previous program states, called omniscient debugging. The reader is first introduced to common debugging techniques. Then an overview of Thonny and its current version’s functionalities is given. After that, the architecture of Thonny’s current debugger, the structure and the implementation of the omniscient debugger are described. Finally, the preliminary beta testing results are presented.