CROATIA. Critical junctures in the media transformation process.
Ajakirja pealkiri
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Köite pealkiri
The present study details the critical junctures in the transformations of risks and opportunities
in the four domains of media systems – the Legal and ethical environment, Journalism, Media
usage, and Media-related competencies domain – that are expected to contribute to or deter
from deliberative communication. Study includes a background chapter on social and political
changes that influenced the four key domains Croatia.
The study is based on the literature and other data sources identified in Case study 1 “Risks and
Opportunities Related to Media and Journalism Studies (2000–2020). Case Study on National
Research and Monitoring Capabilities”, but goes beyond it by offering an in-depth analyses of
changes within each domain and identifying the actors behind them. Legal framework in Croatia
is in most respects in accordance with European standards, but a degree of conflicting legislation
exists regarding defamation offences. Frequent legislative changes (although most without
a change of direction) show that a coherent policy-led system has not yet materialized. Evidence
of hybridity of the media system is seen in media and related practices, which take place in a
diverse yet highly concentrated media system, most similar to the Mediterranean polarized
pluralist media system model from the Hallin and Mancini (2004) typology. Media-related
competencies and media literacy appear to be higher in some areas and population groups than
in others. Journalism market is diverse although subject to economic constrictions as well as
pressures on journalists in the form of many SLAPP lawsuits.