Veebirakendus müügitegevusega seotud arvete loomiseks väikefirmale
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Antud dokumendis kirjeldatakse ära väikefirmade PDF dokumentide loomise probleem ning lahendus. Võrreldakse ka sarnaseid lahendusi ja tuuakse välja nende puudused. Välja tuuakse kasutatavate tehnoloogiate kirjeldused ja nende võimalused. Lahendus teostatakse reaalse veebirakenduse näol, mille nõudmised ja eesmärgid on paika pandud tulevase kliendi poolt. Rakenduse poolt võimaldatavad tegevused kirjeldatakse kasutajalugudena ning selle kuvadest tuuakse välja mõned näited piltidena. Valminud rakendusega viiakse läbi koormustestid ning nende põhjal saab teha järeldused jõudlusele: kui palju arvutusressurssi on vaja ja kunas peaks kasutama automaatset skaleerumist.
This document describes the problem and a solution for creating PDF documents for small companies. There are comparisons of familiar solutions with their described disadvantages. There is brought forth used technologies and their possibilities in this application. The solution will be executed as a real web application, which’s requirements and goals are set by the future client. Application’s possible actions are described as use cases and some of it’s displays are shown with pictures. The application will be load tested and by their results we can make conclusions for the performance: how much computing power do we need and when should we use auto scaling.
This document describes the problem and a solution for creating PDF documents for small companies. There are comparisons of familiar solutions with their described disadvantages. There is brought forth used technologies and their possibilities in this application. The solution will be executed as a real web application, which’s requirements and goals are set by the future client. Application’s possible actions are described as use cases and some of it’s displays are shown with pictures. The application will be load tested and by their results we can make conclusions for the performance: how much computing power do we need and when should we use auto scaling.