Optimaalsete lineaarsete partiikoodide uuring
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Lineaarseid partiikoode saab kasutada koormuse ühtlustamiseks hajusandmetalletussüsteemides. Selleks, et tagada efektiivne sooritusvõime, on tarvis optimeeritud parameetritega koode. Selliste koodide leidmine on aga keerukas matemaatiline probleem. Selles töös esitatakse algoritme ja tarkvara, mille abil on võimalik uurida lineaarseid partiikoode. Tuletatakse kaks uut ülemtõket lineaarsetele partiikoodidele. Lõpuks võrreldakse tarkvara abil leitud lühimaid süstemaatiliste lineaarsete partiikoodide pikkuseid seni teadaolevate tõketega.
Linear batch codes can be used for load balancing in distributed storage systems. In order to obtain efficient performance, it is important to have codes with optimized parameters, which is a complicated mathematical problem.Specifically, in this thesis, algorithms and software for searching for linear batch codes are presented. Two upper bounds for systematic linear batch codes are derived. The shortest lengths of systematic linear batch codes, which have been found with the help of the software, are compared to known upper and lower bounds.
Linear batch codes can be used for load balancing in distributed storage systems. In order to obtain efficient performance, it is important to have codes with optimized parameters, which is a complicated mathematical problem.Specifically, in this thesis, algorithms and software for searching for linear batch codes are presented. Two upper bounds for systematic linear batch codes are derived. The shortest lengths of systematic linear batch codes, which have been found with the help of the software, are compared to known upper and lower bounds.