“Andmeturve” kursuse näitel automaathindamise realiseerimine ja hinnete automaatne laadimine Moodle’i keskkonda



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Tartu Ülikool


The objective of this Bachelor’s thesis was to implement a system for automatic grading and the seamless integration of grades into the Moodle environment, using the "LTAT.06.002 Computer Security" course at the University of Tartu as a case study. The thesis explores the methodologies employed at the university for the automatic uploading of grades within Moodle across various courses. The existing Moodle environment was initially examined to theoretically explore its architecture and structure, subsequently assessing its functionality. Scripts were meticulously developed for evaluating the initial two practical assignments in the "Computer Security" course, as well as for facilitating the efficient upload of grades to the Moodle platform. Each stage of development was exhaustively documented. Moreover, the development adhered to GDPR guidelines to ensure the confidentiality and protection of personal data. The feasibility of deploying this system within the educational framework of the University of Tartu was also thoroughly investigated.



API, Moodle, GDPR, skript, automaatne ülekandmine, automaatne hindamine, Andmeturve
