Mobiilipõhise Reaalajalise Sõidujagamissüsteemi Prototüübi Loomine
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Tänapäeval otsivad aina enam inimesi uusi võimalusi, kuidas kasutada olemasolevaid ressursse efektiivsemalt. Arenenud maades eksisteerib üks auto iga 1-2 inimese kohta, aga autode keskmine mahutavus on viis reisijat. Seega on ilmne, et sõidujagamisel on suur potentsiaal käesoleva probleemi lahendamisel. Sõidujagamine säästab palju aega ja kütust, sest sel puhul leitakse parim tasakaal sõiduaja, sõidudistantsi ja veetud reisijate vahel. Selline balansseerimine nõuab dünaamilist algoritmi, et lahendada tekkivat rändkaupmehe probleemi ning pakkuda kasutajatele kõige optimeeritumaid sõite. Käesolev töö keskendub reaalajalise mobiilirakenduse prototüübi loomisele, mis hõlmab endas funktsionaalsusi nii sõitjatele kui juhtidele. Juhtidel on võimalik postitada sõite, näha süsteemi poolt pakutud võimalusi koos teekonnaga ja näha sõitjaid, kes on reserveerinud koha nende sõitudes. Sõitjad saavad üles postitada oma soove sõitmiseks punktist A punkti B, reserveerida kohti sõitudes ning näha nende endi staatuseid kõikide süsteemi poolt välja pakutud sõitudele. Lisaks toetab süsteem rakendusesisest teadaannete saatmist ja asukohapõhiseid teenuseid, et pakkuda maksimaalset kasutajakogemust kõigile kasutajatele.
Nowadays, more and more people are looking for ways how to use existing resources more effectively. In developed countries there is about 1-2 persons per car while the average car capacity is five people. Therefore, it is evident that ridesharing has a huge efficiency potential in this matter. Ridesharing saves a lot of time and fuel by finding the right balance between travel time, travel distance and carried passengers. Such balancing needs a dynamic TSP-type algorithm to offer the most optimized rides to the users. This thesis concentrates on creating a real-time mobile app which includes necessary functionalities for riders and drivers. Drivers can post their rides, see possible options with routes and riders who have booked a seat for their ride. Whereas riders can post their wishes to ride from A to B, book places in rides and see their statuses for all suitable rides. Additionally, the system will have support for push notifications and Google Maps API to maximize the user experience.
Nowadays, more and more people are looking for ways how to use existing resources more effectively. In developed countries there is about 1-2 persons per car while the average car capacity is five people. Therefore, it is evident that ridesharing has a huge efficiency potential in this matter. Ridesharing saves a lot of time and fuel by finding the right balance between travel time, travel distance and carried passengers. Such balancing needs a dynamic TSP-type algorithm to offer the most optimized rides to the users. This thesis concentrates on creating a real-time mobile app which includes necessary functionalities for riders and drivers. Drivers can post their rides, see possible options with routes and riders who have booked a seat for their ride. Whereas riders can post their wishes to ride from A to B, book places in rides and see their statuses for all suitable rides. Additionally, the system will have support for push notifications and Google Maps API to maximize the user experience.