Programmeerimise algkursuste eksamid
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Antud bakalaureusetöös uuritakse, millised on erinevate programmeerimise algkursuste eksamid. Selleks antakse teaduskirjanduse põhjal ülevaade teemadest ja programmeerimiskeeltest, mida õpetatakse programmeerimise algkursustel. Seejärel tuuakse kirjandusest välja erinevad eksamites kasutatavad küsimuste liigid ning võrreldakse erinevaid eksami läbiviimise vorme. Bakalaureusetöö lõpus antakse ülevaade Tartu Ülikooli e-kursuse „Programmeerimise alused II“ lõpueksami teinud osalejate tagasisidest sooritatud eksami kohta.
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to research the final examinations of different introductory programming courses. Based on the academic literature, this thesis reports the concepts and programming languages taught in these courses. Furthermore, this thesis presents the different types of questions used in examinations and compares different forms of examinations. At the end of the thesis, the participants’ feedback about the examination in the University of Tartu online course “Introduction to Programming II” is presented.
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to research the final examinations of different introductory programming courses. Based on the academic literature, this thesis reports the concepts and programming languages taught in these courses. Furthermore, this thesis presents the different types of questions used in examinations and compares different forms of examinations. At the end of the thesis, the participants’ feedback about the examination in the University of Tartu online course “Introduction to Programming II” is presented.