LEGO Mindstorms EV3 ja NXT komplektiga ühilduv Vernier’ anemometer
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Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on luua eestikeelne õppematerjal õpetajatele ning õpilastele, mis toimib kasutusjuhendina firma LEGO Mindstorms NXT ja EV3’ga ühilduvale Vernier’ anemomeetrile. Töö koosneb sissejuhatusest ja kolmest osast. Esimeses osas antakse ülevaade tuulest, kui füüsikalist nähtusest, tutvustatakse anemomeetrite ajalugu ja kirjeldatakse tänapäeval kasutatavate anemomeetrite tööpõhimõtteid. Teises osas tutvustatakse firma Vernier poolt loodud anemomeetrit ning kirjeldatakse selle ühilduvust ja kasutamist LEGO Mindstorms NXT ja EV3 baaskomplektiga. Kolmandas osas esitatakse erineva raskustasemega ülesanded, mida saab anemomeetriga lahendada ja nende ülesannete näidislahendused.
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to create educational material in Estonian of using LEGO Mindstorms NXT and EV3 compatible Vernier anemometer for teachers and students. The material consists of introduction and three parts. The first part gives an overview of wind as a physical phenomenon, introduces the history of anemometers and describes the working principles of anemometers used today. The second part introduces the Vernier anemometer and describes its compatability with LEGO Mindstorms NXT and EV3 robotic kits. The final part includes exercises with different difficulty levels and their solutions. These exercises can be solved using an anemometer.
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to create educational material in Estonian of using LEGO Mindstorms NXT and EV3 compatible Vernier anemometer for teachers and students. The material consists of introduction and three parts. The first part gives an overview of wind as a physical phenomenon, introduces the history of anemometers and describes the working principles of anemometers used today. The second part introduces the Vernier anemometer and describes its compatability with LEGO Mindstorms NXT and EV3 robotic kits. The final part includes exercises with different difficulty levels and their solutions. These exercises can be solved using an anemometer.