Platvormist sõltumatu mobiilirakendus lõunatajatele
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Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on luua platvormist sõltumatu mobiilirakendus lõunatajatele. Töös kirjeldatakse ära uute tutvuste leidmise probleem ning selgitatakse lahendusena arendatud mobiilirakendust. Bakalaureusetöös võrreldakse olemasolevaid lahendusi ning kirjeldatatakse nende puudusi. Lahendus arendatakse valmis prototüübina, kus nõuded on seatud võimalikult realistlikult vastavalt lõppkasutaja ootustele. Antud töös kirjeldatatakse rakenduse käitumismudelid ning esitatakse näited piltidena.
The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to create a platform independent mobile application for lunchers. Present thesis describes the issues with finding new acquaintances and provides the mobile application as a solution. Current thesis analyzes existing solutions and points out their pros and cons. The solution is developed as a prototype in which the requirements are presented as realistic as possible from the view of the end user. The thesis includes use cases and snapshots of the application to simplify the understanding.
The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to create a platform independent mobile application for lunchers. Present thesis describes the issues with finding new acquaintances and provides the mobile application as a solution. Current thesis analyzes existing solutions and points out their pros and cons. The solution is developed as a prototype in which the requirements are presented as realistic as possible from the view of the end user. The thesis includes use cases and snapshots of the application to simplify the understanding.