Graafiteooria ülesannete komputeriseerimine
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H. Pärn tegi 2013. aastal oma bakalaureusetöö raames prototüübi graafiteooria õpiprogrammist, millega oleks võimalik koostada ja lahendada erinevaid graafiteooriaga seotud ülesandeid. Antud lõputöö eesmärgiks sai seatud selle prototüübi edasiarendamine ja keerukamate ülesandetüüpide sissetoomine. Lisaks uuriti, milliseid ülesandetüüpe on üldse mõttekas sellises keskkonnas kasutada. Töö tulemusena realiseeriti 5 uut ülesandetüüpi ja lisaks täiendati keskkonda mitme olulise üldise täiendusega nagu näiteks suunatud graafide joonistamise võimalusega.
In 2013 in the context of his bachelor’s thesis H. Pärn developed a prototype for educational software that would allow to create and solve different types of exercises related to graph theory. Current thesis sets its goal to develop that prototype and to introduce new and more complex exercise types. In addition, it is examined what types of exercises of graph theory can be computerized in the first place. As the result of this thesis 5 new exercise types were added to the software and also many general advances were made e.g. possibility to use directed graphs.
In 2013 in the context of his bachelor’s thesis H. Pärn developed a prototype for educational software that would allow to create and solve different types of exercises related to graph theory. Current thesis sets its goal to develop that prototype and to introduce new and more complex exercise types. In addition, it is examined what types of exercises of graph theory can be computerized in the first place. As the result of this thesis 5 new exercise types were added to the software and also many general advances were made e.g. possibility to use directed graphs.