Icarus – reaalaja strateegiamäng kosmoses
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Antud lõputöö kirjeldab kosmose reaalaja strateegiamängu Icarus arendust. Arvutimängu loomise eesmärgiks oli pakkuda mitmekesisust vastavas arvutimängužanris. Töös antakse ülevaade Icaruse mängudisainist ja implementatsioonist. Icaruse mängudisain loodi reaalaja strateegiamängu žanri ja mängudisaini põhitõdedele toetudes. Mängu testiti võimalike mängijatega, et leida probleeme ja hinnata kvaliteeti. Testimisel saadud tulemuste alusel on sisse viidud mõned parandused. Osa parandusi on kavandatud teha tulevikus mängu edasiarendusena.
The thesis describes the development of a real-time strategy game in space called Icarus. It was made to offer variety in its corresponding computer game genre. An overview of its game design and implementation is given. The game design of Icarus was created in accordance to the basic principles of the real-time strategy genre and the field of game design. The game was playtested on potential players to find issues and assess its quality. Based on the test results several improvements were made after the playtesting and some were planned for the future development.
The thesis describes the development of a real-time strategy game in space called Icarus. It was made to offer variety in its corresponding computer game genre. An overview of its game design and implementation is given. The game design of Icarus was created in accordance to the basic principles of the real-time strategy genre and the field of game design. The game was playtested on potential players to find issues and assess its quality. Based on the test results several improvements were made after the playtesting and some were planned for the future development.