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Tõsiste vigastustega või surmaga lõppevate liiklusõnnetuste üks suurimatest põhjustajatest linnades on kiiruse ületamine. Sellega seoses käivitas Ühendkuningriigi valitsus tervisele orienteeritud transpordialgatuse mitmetes kohtades, tehes ettepaneku vähendada kiirusepiiranguid 20 miilini tunnis, et vähendada ohvrite arvu ja liiklusmahtu. Koos sellega paraneks ohutustunne ja suureneks inimeste füüsiline aktiivsus. On läbi viidud mitmeid uuringuid, et mõista kiiruse mõju õnnetustes ja liiklusohutuses. Tulemused on näidanud, et madalam kiiruspiirang linnades muudab liikluse ohutumaks. Bakalaurusetöös analüüsitakse sotsiaalmeedia andmeid, võttes aluseks Twitteri postitused, et mõista üldsuse taju kiirusepiirangu 20 miili tunnis suhtes. Andmed koosnevad Twitteri postitustest, mis on tehtud 2015.a veebruarist 2017.a märtsini. Analüüs viidi läbi hoiakute kaeve ja sotsiaalvõrgustiku analüüsi teel. Analüüsi tulemused näitasid, et inimesed reageerisid muudatusele positiivselt ja aktsepteerisid ohutuse ja tervise nimel uue kiirusepiirangu.
Speeding is one of the major causes in road accidents in city areas that end in severe injuries or death. In this respect, the United Kingdom government launched a health oriented transport initiative across several sites by proposing reduction of speed limit to 20 miles per hour to achieve fewer casualties and to lower traffic volumes, leading to an improvement in the perception of safety and a subsequent increase in people’s physical activity. Various studies have been performed in the past to understand the impact of speed in accidents and road safety. Results have shown that lower speed limit in urban evironment makes traffic safer. In this work, social media data is analysed by taking Twitter as a use case to understand general public’s perception to 20 miles per hour speed limit. The data consists of tweets which span from February 2015 to March 2017. The analysis was performed using opinion mining and social network analysis. The results of the analysis indicated that people showed positive reaction to the change and were ready to accept the new speed limit for the benefit of safety and health.
Speeding is one of the major causes in road accidents in city areas that end in severe injuries or death. In this respect, the United Kingdom government launched a health oriented transport initiative across several sites by proposing reduction of speed limit to 20 miles per hour to achieve fewer casualties and to lower traffic volumes, leading to an improvement in the perception of safety and a subsequent increase in people’s physical activity. Various studies have been performed in the past to understand the impact of speed in accidents and road safety. Results have shown that lower speed limit in urban evironment makes traffic safer. In this work, social media data is analysed by taking Twitter as a use case to understand general public’s perception to 20 miles per hour speed limit. The data consists of tweets which span from February 2015 to March 2017. The analysis was performed using opinion mining and social network analysis. The results of the analysis indicated that people showed positive reaction to the change and were ready to accept the new speed limit for the benefit of safety and health.