Animatsiooni lisamine veebilehtedele (õppemoodulid e-kursusele „Multimeedia“)
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Antud töö eesmärgiks on tutvustada CSS-is ja HTML5-s kasutatavat animatsiooni ja õpetada eestikeelset terminoloogiat. Selleks vaadeldatakse HTML5 kujunemise ajalugu, kirjeldatakse veebianimatsiooni põhimõisted ja antakse ülevaade vananenud animatsiooni tehnoloogiatest. Töö praktilises osas räägitakse animatsiooni meetoditest ja tuuakse välja praktilised HTML5-l ja CSS-l baseeruvad harjutused koos seletava koodiga. Õppemoodulid on mõeldud kooliõpilastele suunatud kursuse “Multimeedia” jaoks.
The goal of the present thesis is to introduce CSS and HTML5 animation and teach terminology in Estonian. It is done by giving the perspective of HTML5 history, decribing basic web animation concepts and providing an overview of the animation outdated technologies. In the practical part of this thesis animation techniques are discussed and HTML5 and CSS exercises with explanatory code are provided. Learning modules will be used as a part of “Multimedia” e-course, which target audience is high schooler.
The goal of the present thesis is to introduce CSS and HTML5 animation and teach terminology in Estonian. It is done by giving the perspective of HTML5 history, decribing basic web animation concepts and providing an overview of the animation outdated technologies. In the practical part of this thesis animation techniques are discussed and HTML5 and CSS exercises with explanatory code are provided. Learning modules will be used as a part of “Multimedia” e-course, which target audience is high schooler.