Pilvetehnoloogial põhinev andmetöötlus ja serveri skaleeritavus SportID rakendusele
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See lõputöö uurib kahte probleemi, mis puudutavad SportID veebirakendust. Esimene probleem on seotud serveri arhitektuuriga. Autor uurib, kas praegune serveri arhitektuur on sobiv ka suurema koormuse puhul. Teiseks probleemiks on SportID vajadustega sobiva odava andmeanalüüsi süsteemi puudumine. Autor loob lihtsa andmeanalüüsi platvormi kasutades selleks erinevad pilvetehnoloogia andmetöötlussüsteeme ja võrdleb loodud süsteemi tavalise relatsioonilise andmebaasi analüüsimisega.
This thesis explores two issues that concern SportID’s web application. The first problem is linked to the current server architecture. The author is going to find out if it will be enough in case of a bigger load and how it can be scaled further using load balancing technique. The second problem is the lack of an affordable data analysis tool that suits SportID. The author is going to create a simple cloud based data analysis solution and tries to provide the rationale for making this solution.
This thesis explores two issues that concern SportID’s web application. The first problem is linked to the current server architecture. The author is going to find out if it will be enough in case of a bigger load and how it can be scaled further using load balancing technique. The second problem is the lack of an affordable data analysis tool that suits SportID. The author is going to create a simple cloud based data analysis solution and tries to provide the rationale for making this solution.