Thonny arenduskeskkonna pistikprogramm automaatse tagasisidega ülesannete lahendamiseks
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Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on luua pistikprogramm automaatse tagasisidega ülesannete lahendamiseks Pythoni programmeerimiskeele algõppeks loodud arenduskeskkonnale Thonny'le. JetBrainsi poolt loodud programmis PyCharm Edu saab koostada ja lahendada automaatselt testitavaid ülesannete komplekte ning antud pistikprogramm võimaldab neid Thonny’s käivitada ja lahendada.
The goal of this thesis is to create a plugin which allows for individuals to solve tasks with automatic feedback by using Thonny, an integrated Python development environment which was designed for novice programmers. PyCharm Edu was developed by JetBrains which allows to create courses with automatic feedback. The plugin crafted for this thesis allows for these PyCharm Edu courses to be opened and solved in an easy and efficient manner.
The goal of this thesis is to create a plugin which allows for individuals to solve tasks with automatic feedback by using Thonny, an integrated Python development environment which was designed for novice programmers. PyCharm Edu was developed by JetBrains which allows to create courses with automatic feedback. The plugin crafted for this thesis allows for these PyCharm Edu courses to be opened and solved in an easy and efficient manner.