Eesti keele keeleressursse kasutav õppeprogramm käänete õppimiseks
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Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärk oli luua veebipõhine õppeprogramm eesti keele käänete õppimiseks. Eesti keele käänete õppimise programm peaks sobima nii põhikoolis kui ka gümnaasiumis õppivatele õpilastele ja ka mitte-eestlastele, kes soovivad õppida eesti keelt süvendatult. Õppeprogrammi loomiseks kasutati koos esmakordselt selliseid keeleressursse nagu morfoloogiline analüsaator ja süntesaator, ilukirjanduskorpus, sagedussõnastik ning ebasobivate sõnade loend. Eesmärgi täitmiseks loodi reeglid, et valida välja õppeprogrammi jaoks sobivad laused. Töös kirjeldatakse nii eeltöötlusprogrammi kui ka õppeprogrammi algoritmi.
The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis was to create a web-based program for learning Estonian cases. This learning program should fit from elementary school to high school pupils, and also for foreigners, who want to learn the Estonian language in depth. During the creation of this program for learning cases, some of the Estonian language resources were used together for the first time, such as the morphological analyzer and synthesizer, fiction corpus, frequency dictionary and a list of inappropriate words. In order to achieve this, some rules were made to sort out suitable sentences. The thesis also includes the explanation of the pre-processing algorithm and the learning program algorithm.
The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis was to create a web-based program for learning Estonian cases. This learning program should fit from elementary school to high school pupils, and also for foreigners, who want to learn the Estonian language in depth. During the creation of this program for learning cases, some of the Estonian language resources were used together for the first time, such as the morphological analyzer and synthesizer, fiction corpus, frequency dictionary and a list of inappropriate words. In order to achieve this, some rules were made to sort out suitable sentences. The thesis also includes the explanation of the pre-processing algorithm and the learning program algorithm.