Liikumistuvastusega kadudeta video salvestamine Android seadmel
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Käesolev töö kirjeldab miks ja kuidas loodi liikumistuvastusega kadudeta videot salvestav mobiilirakendus Android platvormile. Töös antakse ülevaade liikumise tuvastamisest ja NV21 formaadist. Töö viimane osa kirjeldab rakenduse teostust.
This thesis describes why and how a motion detecting and lossless video recording application was created for Android platform. The paper gives short overview of motion detection and NV21 format. The last part describes implementation of the application.
This thesis describes why and how a motion detecting and lossless video recording application was created for Android platform. The paper gives short overview of motion detection and NV21 format. The last part describes implementation of the application.