EyeTal – silmadega juhitav kaardiredaktor
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Käesolev magistritöö esitleb täielikult silmade abil juhitavat kaardirakendust EyeTal. Selle rakenduse eesmärgiks on võimaldada füüsiliste puuetega inimestel luua ja muuta ruumiandmeid ning seeläbi siseneda tööturule. Ruumiliste andmete kogumine on manuaalne või poolautomaatne töö, mida tavaliselt tehakse hiire ja klaviatuuri abil. EyeTal võimaldab seda tööd teha kasutades sisendina vaid inimese pilgu liikumist ekraanil. Selline kasutajaliides võib olla alternatiiviks ka puueteta inimestele, kui selle kasutamine on piisavalt mugav. Magistritöö käsitleb probleeme ja väljakutseid, mida sellise uudse kasutajaliidese loomine ja disainimine endas kätkeb. Valminud rakenduse disainilahendusi toetab empiiriline info kasutatavuse testi tulemustest. Kasutatavuse testis osalejad lahendasid ülesandeid, mis imiteerivad süsteemi lõplikku kasutust. Testi tulemusi kasutati süsteemi parendamiseks. Tehtud parenduste valideerimiseks viidi läbi teine, identne kasutatavuse test. Lõputöö tulemustest järeldub, et ruumiandmete loomine ning muutmine vaid silmaliigutuste abil on võimalik. Leitud tulemusi ning tehtud disainiotsuseid saab üldistada ka teistele sarnastele pilgujälgimist kasutavatele süsteemidele.
This thesis presents a novel implementation of a fully eye-controlled map editor – EyeTal. The main goal of this application is to provide people with neuromotor disabilities the means to enter the labour market by enabling them to create and modify spatial data. Spatial data collection is a labour intensive work that is generally performed manually or semiautomatically using a mouse and a keyboard. EyeTal allows doing this using eyes as the only input modality. Such a user interface could also provide an alternative for able-bodied users if the solution performs well enough to merit their consideration. The thesis discusses problems and challenges encountered when designing the elaborate user interface for EyeTal. The design ideas are supported by empirical data collected from usability testing where subjects performed various tasks that replicate the actual usage of the map editor. The usability test results were used to improve the system and another test was conducted to validate the improvements. The thesis concludes that it is possible to edit spatial data using eye movements as an only input. The results of this thesis can be generalised for other similar systems and problems.
This thesis presents a novel implementation of a fully eye-controlled map editor – EyeTal. The main goal of this application is to provide people with neuromotor disabilities the means to enter the labour market by enabling them to create and modify spatial data. Spatial data collection is a labour intensive work that is generally performed manually or semiautomatically using a mouse and a keyboard. EyeTal allows doing this using eyes as the only input modality. Such a user interface could also provide an alternative for able-bodied users if the solution performs well enough to merit their consideration. The thesis discusses problems and challenges encountered when designing the elaborate user interface for EyeTal. The design ideas are supported by empirical data collected from usability testing where subjects performed various tasks that replicate the actual usage of the map editor. The usability test results were used to improve the system and another test was conducted to validate the improvements. The thesis concludes that it is possible to edit spatial data using eye movements as an only input. The results of this thesis can be generalised for other similar systems and problems.