Antiigioksjoni portaali loomine
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Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö kirjutamise käigus valmis antiigioksjoni portaali prototüüp koos andmebaasi struktuuriga. Portaal hõlmab endas nii reaalajas internetioksjoneid kui ka saalioksjonite katalooge. Kasutajakonto avanud isikul on võimalik teha pakkumisi internetioksjonitele, eelpakkumisi tulevaste saalioksjonite esemetele ja saata oma kaupa ekspertidele hindamiseks. Rakenduse prototüüp valmis 18-aastase antiigi ja vanavara ostu ning müügiga tegeleva ettevõtte juhendamisel. Rakenduse disainimisel võeti arvesse töötajate nõudeid ja soovitusi, eesmärgiga rakendus tulevikus ettevõtte kasuks tööle panna.
In the process of this bachelor’s thesis a prototype was built for an online antiques auction website in a form of a web application with the corresponding database structure. Website includes real-time online auctions together with hall auction catalogues. Registered users have the ability to bid on online auctions, make pre-auction offers on hall auction’s items and send their own items for evaluation to specialists. The process of building the applica-tion’s prototype was instructed by an antiques dealing company’s representitives with 18 years of experience in the field. The application was designed according to the needs and advice of the representitives with the purpose of taking the application into use for the benefit of the company in the future.
In the process of this bachelor’s thesis a prototype was built for an online antiques auction website in a form of a web application with the corresponding database structure. Website includes real-time online auctions together with hall auction catalogues. Registered users have the ability to bid on online auctions, make pre-auction offers on hall auction’s items and send their own items for evaluation to specialists. The process of building the applica-tion’s prototype was instructed by an antiques dealing company’s representitives with 18 years of experience in the field. The application was designed according to the needs and advice of the representitives with the purpose of taking the application into use for the benefit of the company in the future.