RNA-seq andmete analüüsi töövoog
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Kuna bioloogid viivad läbi suurel hulgal ülegenoomseid geeniekspressiooni eksperimente, on tekkinud vajadus töövoo jaoks, millega saaks töödelda ning analüüsida RNA-seq andmeid. Selline töövoog koosneb erinevatest arvutuslikest tööriistadest ning sisendfaili tüüpidest, mis teeb ühtse töövoo arenduse raskeks ülesandeks, kuid teeks teadlastele andmete analüüsi ja tulemuste tõlgendamise palju lihtsamaks. Kohandatud töövoogu on lihtsam rakendada, kuid see nõuab, et kasutaja oleks tuttav kõikide arvutuslike tööriistadega, millest töövoog koosneb. Käesoleva töö eesmärk oli kirjeldada detailselt RNA-seq andmete analüüsi töövoo loomist ning rakendamist. Saadud tulemustest võib järeldada, et ühtse töövoo tarkvara iRAP vajab veel edasiarendust. Lisaks sellele aitavad tulemused paremini mõista erinevate tööriistade funktsioonidest ning nende potentsiaalsetest parandustest.
The vast amount of large-scale gene expression experiments carried out by biologists has created the need for a pipeline to process and analyse RNA-seq data. The pipeline consists of different computational tools and data input types which makes developing an integrated pipeline a challenging task but would make the use of the workflow much easier for researchers. A customized pipeline, on the other hand, is easier to implement but needs the user to be familiar with all of the computational tools that the pipeline consists of. The aim of this thesis was to provide good knowledge on creating and running a typical RNA-seq data analyis pipeline. The results obtained allow to conclude that the integrated pipeline iRAP still needs development. Also, the results create a better understanding of the functions and potential improvements of different tools.
The vast amount of large-scale gene expression experiments carried out by biologists has created the need for a pipeline to process and analyse RNA-seq data. The pipeline consists of different computational tools and data input types which makes developing an integrated pipeline a challenging task but would make the use of the workflow much easier for researchers. A customized pipeline, on the other hand, is easier to implement but needs the user to be familiar with all of the computational tools that the pipeline consists of. The aim of this thesis was to provide good knowledge on creating and running a typical RNA-seq data analyis pipeline. The results obtained allow to conclude that the integrated pipeline iRAP still needs development. Also, the results create a better understanding of the functions and potential improvements of different tools.