Mõju vastendamise kasutamine väledas tarkvara tootejuhtimises
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Autor töötab tehnoloogiafirmas tooteomaniku ning väletreenerina ning omab tarkvaratoodetega üle 10 aasta kogemust. Aastate jooksul on tööstusharu trendid nihkunud väleda ja timmitud praktikate kasuks. Scrum raamistikus on defineeritud tooteomaniku mõiste, kuid selle rolli vastutusalad ei ole üheselt defineeritud. Selleks, et olla erineva taustaga toodete ja äridega edukas, peab selle rolli täitja kiirelt kohanduma ja valdama erinevaid tehnikaid. Käesolevas töös uuritakse strateegilise planeerimise tehnikat, mida nimetatakse mõju vastendamiseks ning lugejale esitletakse ainulaadne kombinatsioon esialgsest ning hilisemast materjalist. Seejärel analüüsitakse mõju vastendamise tehnikat lähtuvalt tooteomaniku probleemidest aastal 2016 ning tehakse järeldusi mõju vastendamise rakendamise kohta sõltuvalt keskkonnapiirangutest.
The author of this thesis has over 10 years of experience working with software products and is currently working as product owner (PO) and agile coach in a technology company. During the years industry trends have shifted towards Lean and Agile practices. The role of the PO defined by Scrum framework has emerged but the responsibilities for the role have not been unambiguously defined. To succeed with products and businesses from various backgrounds PO needs to vastly adapt and master different techniques. In this work, an inquiry on a strategic planning technique called Impact Mapping is performed and a unique combination of initial and follow-up materials is introduced to the reader. The technique is then analyzed through the problems that a PO faces in 2016, and conclusions are made on its compliance with the role and environment constraints.
The author of this thesis has over 10 years of experience working with software products and is currently working as product owner (PO) and agile coach in a technology company. During the years industry trends have shifted towards Lean and Agile practices. The role of the PO defined by Scrum framework has emerged but the responsibilities for the role have not been unambiguously defined. To succeed with products and businesses from various backgrounds PO needs to vastly adapt and master different techniques. In this work, an inquiry on a strategic planning technique called Impact Mapping is performed and a unique combination of initial and follow-up materials is introduced to the reader. The technique is then analyzed through the problems that a PO faces in 2016, and conclusions are made on its compliance with the role and environment constraints.