OwlParser: Parsing OWL-based Blockchain Security Ontology



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Tartu Ülikool


Ontology representations are often used in areas when the knowledge is still incoherent and there exists a need to clarify and agree on definitions, concepts and relations. Ontology representations in their written form are however difficult to comprehend and thus tools for better exploring and understanding the information contained therein are in demand. Some tools providing such functionality exist, of which Protégé is the most common. This, however, is a professional-use application which can be difficult to use for less experienced user and which also needs installation. The aim for this thesis is to develop a web-based tool for exploring ontology representations based on the security and risk management (SRM) domain model and which also provides additional features to support ontology representations about blockchain security. The developed tool named OwlParser loads OWL files from the local computer or the web, allows browsing the content of the ontology representation and provides SRM-based navigation. We hope the tool will be useful for both students as well as professionals in helping to study and explore SRM-based ontology representations.



ISSRM, exploring ontology, blockchain security concepts, web development
