LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Compatible Vernier Light Sensor
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Bakalaureusetöö käsitleb Vernier’ valguse andurit ja tutvustab selle kasutamise võimalusi LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT komplektiga. Sissejuhatuseks annab ülevaate anduriga seotud nähtusest – valgusest ja valgusallikatest. Seejärel tutvustab andurit ennast, selle tööpõhimõtet ja võimalusi. Järgnevad juhendid anduri ühendamiseks ja programmeerimiseks NXTga. Lõpuks ka ülesanded, mis tutvustavad anduri kasutamise võimalusi. Ülesanded on erinevate raskusastmetega ning igaühest on pakutud ka keerulisem variant.
The Bachelor thesis studies the Vernier Light Sensor and the possibilities of using it with the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robotics kit. As a start, an overview is given of the phenomenon coneected to the sensor - light and sources of light. Next, the sensor itself is introduced, with its basic functions and possibilities of use, followed by instructions to connecting the sensor to and programming using NXT technologies. Finally, exercises are given that are meant to show possibilities of using the sensor. The exercises have varying levels of difficulty and each also comes with a more advanced version.
The Bachelor thesis studies the Vernier Light Sensor and the possibilities of using it with the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robotics kit. As a start, an overview is given of the phenomenon coneected to the sensor - light and sources of light. Next, the sensor itself is introduced, with its basic functions and possibilities of use, followed by instructions to connecting the sensor to and programming using NXT technologies. Finally, exercises are given that are meant to show possibilities of using the sensor. The exercises have varying levels of difficulty and each also comes with a more advanced version.