Tsentraalse digiregistratuuri arendamise ja juurutamise käigus tehtud vigade analüüs
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Bakalaureusetöös selgitatakse välja, milliseid arendamise ja juurutamisega seotud vigu tehti Eesti e-tervise projekti „Digiregistratuur“ elluviimisel. Leitud vigu võrreldakse kirjanduses teadaolevate nn klassikaliste infosüsteemide ebaõnnestumist põhjustavate vigadega. Samuti analüüsitakse, kuidas need vead mõjutasid DeLone’i ja McLeani uuendatud infosüsteemi edukuse mudeli komponente. Töö diskussiooniosas antakse soovitusi, kuidas tulevikus vigu vältida.
The thesis examines what mistakes were made during the development and acceptance phase of implementing the Estonian e-health project “Digital Registration”. These mistakes are then compared to the so-called classic mistakes described in the literature. Finally, the influence of the mistakes on the categories of the updated D&M IS Success Model is analysed. In the discussion part of the thesis, recommendations are given on how to avoid mistakes in the future.
The thesis examines what mistakes were made during the development and acceptance phase of implementing the Estonian e-health project “Digital Registration”. These mistakes are then compared to the so-called classic mistakes described in the literature. Finally, the influence of the mistakes on the categories of the updated D&M IS Success Model is analysed. In the discussion part of the thesis, recommendations are given on how to avoid mistakes in the future.