Eesti avaandmete portaali probleemide kaardistamine ja andmeanalüüsi töölaua loomine



Ajakirja pealkiri

Ajakirja ISSN

Köite pealkiri


Tartu Ülikool


Open data is data that can be used and shared by everyone for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. The Estonian Open Data Portal provides an opportunity to access Estonian Open Data to be consumed or visualized. Currently, the visualization tool available on the portal is not consistent, often doesn't open, or is missing altogether from the options. Additionally, it is outdated, and the user interface and functionalities are based on outdated technologies. To address these issues, a graphical user interface was developed in this bachelor's thesis, enabling the visualization and analysis of open data. The application was developed using technologies such as Python, Streamlit, BeautifulSoup, and PyGWalker. In addition, during the bachelor's thesis, the current problems in the open data portal were identified, and corresponding recommendations were provided.



Avaandmed, Eesti avaandmete teabevärav, Python, Streamlit, API, Open data, Estonian open data portal
