JavaScripti graafide raamistike võrdlus
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Keeruliste JavaScripti visualisatsioonide tegemine brauserites võib olla vägagi resurssikulukas. Antud töö võrdleb visualisatsioonide kõige algelisemat kuju – graafikud. Võrreldes nelja erinevat JavaScripti graafikute loomise raamistiku, saame vastused küsimustele, milline alus sobib kõige paremini Internetis graafikute loomiseks ning kuidas antud raamistikud üksteisest erinevad.
Creating JavaScript visualizations with large amount of data can cause big performance issues. Current thesis compares the most simplest form of data visualizations – graphs. By comparing four different JavaScript graphing frameworks, we analyze what is the best platform for rendering graphs on the Web and how the selected frameworks compare to one another.
Creating JavaScript visualizations with large amount of data can cause big performance issues. Current thesis compares the most simplest form of data visualizations – graphs. By comparing four different JavaScript graphing frameworks, we analyze what is the best platform for rendering graphs on the Web and how the selected frameworks compare to one another.