Metsa raiealade tuvastamine Sentinel-1 SAR andmete põhjal
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Euroopa Kosmose Agentuuri ja Euroopa Liidu koostöö projekti Copernicus raames on orbiidile saadetud satelliit Sentinel-1, mille andmed on tasuta kättesaadavad ja andmetöötlustarkvara (Sentinel-1 Toolbox) on avatud lähtekoodiga. Kuna lähtekoodi võib
muuta ja uute rakenduste arendamiseks kasutada, siis on antud bakalaureusetöö raames
uuritud tarkvara Sentinel-1 Toolbox lähetekoodi ja sellele on lisatud uus funktsionaalsus -
metsa raiealade tuvastamine (kasutades olemasoleva lähtekoodi võimalusi). Käesolev bakalaureusetöö on esimeseks etapiks rohumaade niidetuse tuvastamise tarkvara väljatöötamiseks Sentinel-1 Toolboxi lähtekoodi baasil.
In the frame of European Space Agency and European Union cooperation project Copernicus, Sentinel-1 satellite was sent to orbit. It’s data is freely accessibe and data analysis software (Sentinel-1 Toolbox) has open source code. In this Bachelor’s thesis Sentinel-1 Toolbox source code is used due to possibilities to change it and to utilize it for new software development. In this thesis software Sentinel-1 Toolbox source code is researched and new functionality is added - timber harvesting area detection. The present Bachelor’s Thesis is the first step toward to software development based on Sentinel-1 Toolbox source code for grassland mowing detection.
In the frame of European Space Agency and European Union cooperation project Copernicus, Sentinel-1 satellite was sent to orbit. It’s data is freely accessibe and data analysis software (Sentinel-1 Toolbox) has open source code. In this Bachelor’s thesis Sentinel-1 Toolbox source code is used due to possibilities to change it and to utilize it for new software development. In this thesis software Sentinel-1 Toolbox source code is researched and new functionality is added - timber harvesting area detection. The present Bachelor’s Thesis is the first step toward to software development based on Sentinel-1 Toolbox source code for grassland mowing detection.