Veebilehe loomise e-kursus gümnasistidele
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Bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on õppematerjalide koostamine e-kursusele “Veebilehtede loomine”. Veebikeskkonda on lisatud kaks moodulit: HTML ja CSS. Materjali sisu ja ülesannete koostamine nõudis olemasolevate materjalide uurimist, sobivate meetodite valimist ning sünteesi, kuna kursuse sihtrühmaks on gümnasistid. Pärast e-kursuse läbimist oskavad õppijad koostada veebidokumente koos kujundamisega.
The purpose of this thesis is to create studying materials for e-course “Web-design”. Two modules about HTML and CSS are available in the learning management system Moodle. The content of the materials and tasks required a wider esearch on available materials, selection of suitable methods and their synthesys since the target group of the e-course are high school pupils. On the complition of the models, the students are able to create a web page using HTML and CSS.
The purpose of this thesis is to create studying materials for e-course “Web-design”. Two modules about HTML and CSS are available in the learning management system Moodle. The content of the materials and tasks required a wider esearch on available materials, selection of suitable methods and their synthesys since the target group of the e-course are high school pupils. On the complition of the models, the students are able to create a web page using HTML and CSS.