3D-mudelite vaatur Mediawiki tarkvarale
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Käesoleva töö raames valmis laiendus Mediawiki tarkvarale, mis võimaldab kasutajatel laadida üles STL-formaadis (lühendatud sõnast Stereolithography) 3D-mudeli faile, nimetatud faile Mediawiki faililehel asuva vaaturi sees kuvada ning mudeli asendit vaaturi sees muuta. Kirjeldatud on arendusprotsessi, esilekerkinud probleeme ning edasiarenduse võimalusi. Samuti on välja toodud selgitused STL-formaadist, Mediawiki tarkvarast ning vaaturi kasulikkusest ja vajalikkusest. Töö lõpuosas on kirjeldatud laienduse testimist ning tekkinud probleemi Mediawiki ametliku testkeskkonnaga.
This paper describes the created extension, which enables users of Mediawiki software to upload 3D models in STL (short for Stereolithography) file format, display them in a viewer that is placed in the file page of the Mediawiki software and change the position and dimensions of the model inside the viewer. Topics covered are the development process, arisen problems and possibilities of further development of this extension. Finally, this paper describes the testing of the extension and the problem that came up regarding the official testing environment of Mediawiki.
This paper describes the created extension, which enables users of Mediawiki software to upload 3D models in STL (short for Stereolithography) file format, display them in a viewer that is placed in the file page of the Mediawiki software and change the position and dimensions of the model inside the viewer. Topics covered are the development process, arisen problems and possibilities of further development of this extension. Finally, this paper describes the testing of the extension and the problem that came up regarding the official testing environment of Mediawiki.