LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT: kolmesuunalise kaugusanduri NXTSumoEyes tutvustus ja ülesanded
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Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli tutvustada Mindsensor NXTSumoEyes
kolmesuunalist kaugusandurit ning luua erineva raskustasemega ülesanded, mida oleks
võimalik lahendada koos LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robootikakomplektiga.
Töös tutvustati kolmesuunalist kaugusandurit, selle tehnilisi andmeid ja kasutusvõimalusi.
Kaugusanduri tööpõhimõttest arusaamiseks selgitati ka infrapunakiirguse olemust ja tema
seost töös uuritava anduriga. Lisaks anduri tehnilisele kirjeldamisele ja ülevaatele anti ka
ülevaade selle programmeerimisest NXT-G programmeerimisekeskkonnas.
Töö osana valmisid anduri jaoks kolm erinevate raskusastmetega ülesannet, mis on mõeldud
lahendamiseks koolides tegutsevates robootikatundides. Kõigi ülesannete juures on välja
toodud eesmärgid, eelteadmised ja vajaminevad komponendid. Kirjas on ka ülesande
püstitus, mis toob välja soovitava tulemi. Ülesannete lahendamisele kaasa aitamiseks on
lühidalt kirjeldatud lahenduse idee ning ka üks võimalik lahendus vastavale ülesandele. Iga
ülesande juures on välja toodud ka tekkida võivad probleemid ning nende lahendused. Kõik
ülesanded on esitatud kaasasoleval CD andmekandjal, mis asub lisas.
Antud bakalaureusetöö kirjutamise järgiti etteantud vormistusnõuded ning tekst püüti
kirjutata võimalikult arusaadavalt ja mõistetavalt. See oli vajalik kuna antud materjale on
kavas kasutada koolide robootikatundides, kus ülesandeid võivad õpetada erinevad
Tööd on võimalik edasi arendada luues rohkem ülesandeid, kuhu on kaasatud antud töös
kirjeldatud andurit.
The main goal of this bachelor thesis was to give overview and explain the use and programming of NXTSumoEyes Dual Range, Triple Zone Infrared Obstacle Detector sensor. This thesis consists of three main parts wich are introduction to the physical phenomen behind the sensors working principle, overview of the sensor and its programming and exercises for solving with NXTSumoEyes sensor. The first section tells us about infrared and how it can be used all around in our everyday lifes, making life easier. The second section talks about specifities related to the sensor and gives us an overview and knowledge to start programming a robot with a given sensor. The last part of the thesis consists on three exercises with different difficulty levels that were created keeping in mind the use of the NXTSumoEyes sensor. Every exercise has a description of what needs to be done, some help for solutions, and one possible detailed solution, that has been tested working. In case there should be some problems, a possible problems section with answers is given after every exercise. Solutions for the exercises in the NXT-G development environment are on the CD that’s added to the extras of this bachelor’s thesis.
The main goal of this bachelor thesis was to give overview and explain the use and programming of NXTSumoEyes Dual Range, Triple Zone Infrared Obstacle Detector sensor. This thesis consists of three main parts wich are introduction to the physical phenomen behind the sensors working principle, overview of the sensor and its programming and exercises for solving with NXTSumoEyes sensor. The first section tells us about infrared and how it can be used all around in our everyday lifes, making life easier. The second section talks about specifities related to the sensor and gives us an overview and knowledge to start programming a robot with a given sensor. The last part of the thesis consists on three exercises with different difficulty levels that were created keeping in mind the use of the NXTSumoEyes sensor. Every exercise has a description of what needs to be done, some help for solutions, and one possible detailed solution, that has been tested working. In case there should be some problems, a possible problems section with answers is given after every exercise. Solutions for the exercises in the NXT-G development environment are on the CD that’s added to the extras of this bachelor’s thesis.