Tudengite õpiharjumuste jälgimise päevik
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Tartu Ülikool
Antud töö autori eesmärgiks on disainida ja implementeerida veebikeskkond Tartu Ülikooli tudengite jaoks, kus õpilased saavad iga päev märkida, kui kaua ja mis õppimismeetodeid kasutades nad tegelesid valitud ainetega. Selline süsteem on vajalik tudengitele selleks, et kontrollida oma ajakulu erinevate ainete õppimiseks ja jälgida enda ja teiste tudengite õpiharjumuste kujunemist. Samuti võimaldab see õppejõul väga mugavalt saada ülevaadet tegeliku aine õppemahu ning tudengite õpistrateegiate kohta.
Students' study habits observational diary is a system where students report their study time for each day. This information is then used by students themselves and by teachers to get an overview of students' study plans and habits. It provides possibility for students to start thinking about allocating their time correctly, about rationally dividing it between many different courses for finishing all tasks before deadlines. The teachers need this study time information for getting statistics about the actual studying load of students in particular course; this data can also be analyzed by university workers and results of analysis are taken into account when doing any changes in courses’ structure or study program.
Students' study habits observational diary is a system where students report their study time for each day. This information is then used by students themselves and by teachers to get an overview of students' study plans and habits. It provides possibility for students to start thinking about allocating their time correctly, about rationally dividing it between many different courses for finishing all tasks before deadlines. The teachers need this study time information for getting statistics about the actual studying load of students in particular course; this data can also be analyzed by university workers and results of analysis are taken into account when doing any changes in courses’ structure or study program.