JavaScripti staatilise koodianalüsaatori loomine teenusena
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Staatiline koodianalüüs on tarkvaratööstuses laialt kasutatud analüüsimeetod koodiülevaatuste toetamiseks ning koodi kvaliteedi hindamiseks juba tarkvaraprojekti varajases staadiumis.
Käesolevas töös tutvustatakse teenusepõhist lähenemist koodianalüsaatori loomisel, seejuures tuginedes privaatse lähtekoodi printsiibile. Selle meetodi mõistlikkuse ja teostatavuse hindamiseks lõime staatilise koodianalüsaatori prototüüp JavaScriptile.
JavaScripti analüsaator on realiseeritud pistikud-teenusena lahenduse XMLStyleHelper laiendusena. Loodud JavaScripti analüsaator sobib hästi lähtekoodi struktuuri keerukuse hindamiseks ning annab tervikpildi koodis olevatest funktsioonidest.
Teenusepõhine lähenemine annab mitmeid eeliseid eraldiseisva rakenduse ees ning tuginedes privaatse lähtekoodi printsiibile on see kasutajatele vastuvõetavam.
Static code analysis is a widespread analysis method used in software industry. It helps to estimate software quality and also to conduct code reviews in earlier stages of the software project. This thesis represents a service-based approach to developing static code analysers using private source code principle. To demonstrate the sensibility and feasibility of this approach a prototype tool for analysing JavaScript source code was developed. The JavaScript analyser is made as an extension to plugins-as-a-service solution XMLStyleHelper. The JavaScript analyser helps to estimate the complexity of code structure and gives an overview about functions in the software code. The service-based approach employed by the JavaScript analyser has several advantages compared to standalone analysis tools and thanks to private source code principle it is also more acceptable for potential users.
Static code analysis is a widespread analysis method used in software industry. It helps to estimate software quality and also to conduct code reviews in earlier stages of the software project. This thesis represents a service-based approach to developing static code analysers using private source code principle. To demonstrate the sensibility and feasibility of this approach a prototype tool for analysing JavaScript source code was developed. The JavaScript analyser is made as an extension to plugins-as-a-service solution XMLStyleHelper. The JavaScript analyser helps to estimate the complexity of code structure and gives an overview about functions in the software code. The service-based approach employed by the JavaScript analyser has several advantages compared to standalone analysis tools and thanks to private source code principle it is also more acceptable for potential users.