VKRD magistritööd - Virtuaalkeskkondade loomine ja arendus
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Sirvi VKRD magistritööd - Virtuaalkeskkondade loomine ja arendus Autor "Graudina, Marika" järgi
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Kirje ICT implementation in Estonian construction industry and industry related business opportunities for ICT start-ups(TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia, 2014) Tähepõld, Tarmo; Graudina, Marika; Sults, Marge, juhendaja; University of Tartu, Viljandi Culture Academy, Design and Development of Virtual EnvironmentsThe current research identifies the hindrance posed by the construction industry to ICT innovation based on the experience of BIM implementation in Estonia. The results of the study show that there are six main hindrances to the ICT implementation in construction that are caused by the fundamental structure of Estonian construction industry. The authors argue that by avoiding these six hindrances and minimizing the other hindrances identified when building new ICT solutions for the construction market, the ICT companies (IT start-ups) can achieve a competitive advantage when entering the construction market.