Browsing by Author "Paales, Mirjam, juhendaja"
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Item Aine “Sissejuhatus erialasse” organisatoorsete tegevuste automatiseerimine ja õpikogemuse analüüs(Tartu Ülikool, 2023) Habanen, Anette; Paales, Mirjam, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutBakalaureusetöö käigus valmisid õppeaine “Sissejuhatus erialasse” jaoks skriptid, mis muudavad õppejõudude ja seminarijuhendajate jaoks organisatoorsed tegevused kiiremaks ja automatiseeritavaks. Nende skriptidega luuakse failid, mille põhjal saab märkida Moodle’is tudengite kohalolekut, anda tudengitele ülesannete eest punkte, jagada tudengeid gruppidesse ning analüüsida tudengite tagasisidet. Lisaks sellele uuriti tudengite õpikogemust esimesel semestril. Leiti, et aines läbiviidavatel loengutel, seminaridel ja igapäevase enesejuhtimise ülesandel on positiivne seos aines saadava lõpppunktisummaga. Samuti leidub seos loengus osalemise ning lõputesti eest saadud punktide vahel. Lisaks avastati, et meeleolu ja energia tase ei mõjuta tudengi loengus osalemist. Jälgiti ka tudengite sõprade arvu, mis semestri lõikes pigem tõusis või jäi samaks. Kuna informaatika valdkonnas on naisi vähem, siis uuriti eraldi ka nende õpitulemusi ja -kogemust. Täpsemalt leiti, et selles õppeaines on naistudengite lõpppunktisumma meestest kõrgem ning naiste kuuluvustunne on meeste omaga sama.Item Praktikavõimalused IT-ettevõtetes Eestis tudengite ja ettevõtete perspektiivist: pilootuuring(Tartu Ülikool, 2020) Rist, Allan; Rozgonjuk, Dmitri, juhendaja; Paales, Mirjam, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutInformation technology is an important branch of the economy that has developed rapidly. The need for employees in the IT sector has risen faster than the educational system could adapt. During the research, students from the University of Tartu and companies which participated in a project called "Vali-IT" were questioned. The goal of the research was to study students' experience in an internship and companies' suggestions, experiences, and goals for internships. The present pilot study gathered input for the following research by collecting information about patterns, satisfaction, and suggestions from students and companies. Students' sample size was 125 of which 47 people had participated in an internship and their answers could be analysed. Companies' questionnaire was sent to 47 companies of which 7 responded. The results showed that the best-known internship was Playtech's. 20 (42%) students started working in the company they interned for, meanwhile only 7 (15%) students interned without a wage. The biggest expectation for students was to get hired and earn wages. 32 (68%) students found that interning increased their interest in the field. It appeared that COVID-19 had made organising an internship and being chosen as an intern more difficult compared to last year. Companies' main purpose in organising an internship was to recruit new employees. The results of the research brought attention to growth opportunities which could be made better. Although, before applying any changes, more research is needed.Item Tantsupidude jooniste koostamise rakendus Moventum(Tartu Ülikool, 2022) Kraft, Alfred; Paales, Mirjam, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutAntud bakalaureusetöö raames loodi veebirakendus Moventum, mis aitab tantsulavastajatel luua formatsioonide kavandeid ja neid reaalajas visualiseerida. Töö käigus intervjueeriti kogemustega lavastajaid ning arendati valmis rakenduse esimene prototüüp.Item Universaalse logimisrakenduse loomine(Tartu Ülikool, 2020) Noop, Cristian; Paales, Mirjam, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutThe goal of this Bachelor’s thesis is to create a universal application, that gathers action logs from several applications, saves them and offers an effective way for administrating the data. The universal solution is developed for a client, so the client’s needs are a priority when creating the application. The thesis shows the client’s requirements for the application, presents the technologies used for development and describes the outcome of the thesis.Item Veebikursuse kasutajakogemuse hindamine lähtudes Morville'i kärjemudelist(Tartu Ülikool, 2023) Ilus, Kati; Paales, Mirjam, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutThe aim of this bachelor's thesis is to analyse the user experience of online courses based on Peter Morville's user experience honeycomb and its seven components. Thesis contains a theoretical overview of user experience, Peter Morville's user experience honeycomb and its components and the characteristics of learning experience design. Eight interviews were conducted in order to find out how users rate the user experience components and their importance. Students rated usefulness as the most important user experience component, followed by valuability and findability. These components were followed by usability and credibility and desirability and accessibility was rated as the least important.