Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT)
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Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT)
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Kirje Proceedings of the 1st Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 1977)(Språkdata, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 1977) Allén, Sture; Gavare, Rolf; Gellerstam, MartinKirje Noen problemer ved opbygging av et datamaskinelt morfem-lexikon (Some problems in the construction of a computerized morpheme lexicon)(Gothenburg, Sweden, Språkdata, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 5--12, 1977) Alhaug, Gulbrand; Allén, Sture; Gavare, Rolf; Gellerstam, MartinKirje Implementering av en metode for syntaktisk analyse av norsk (Implementation of a method for syntactic analysis of Norwegian)(Gothenburg, Sweden, Språkdata, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 50--64, 1977) Hofland, Knut; Allén, Sture; Gavare, Rolf; Gellerstam, MartinKirje Function words in Hákonar saga(Gothenburg, Sweden, Språkdata, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 75--78, 1977) Mundt, Marina; Allén, Sture; Gavare, Rolf; Gellerstam, MartinKirje Nyord-registrering i database (Registration of new words in databases)(Gothenburg, Sweden, Språkdata, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 40--49, 1977) Heggstad, Kolbjørn; Solevåg, Harald; Allén, Sture; Gavare, Rolf; Gellerstam, MartinKirje Experiments with odd languages(Gothenburg, Sweden, Språkdata, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 39--39, 1977) Grinstead, Eric; Allén, Sture; Gavare, Rolf; Gellerstam, MartinKirje CHITAB – a “poor man’s” shortcut to computer processing of linguistic data(Gothenburg, Sweden, Språkdata, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 82--86, 1977) Salmela, Jussi; Kohonen, Viljo; Allén, Sture; Gavare, Rolf; Gellerstam, MartinKirje Computergenerering af lydskrevet dansk ud fra en quasiortografisk notation ved hjėlp af generative fonologiske regler (Computer generation of Danish phonetic script from a quasi orthographic notation using generative phonological rules)(Gothenburg, Sweden, Språkdata, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 13--19, 1977) Basbøll, Hans; Kristensen, Kjeld; Allén, Sture; Gavare, Rolf; Gellerstam, MartinKirje Chartanalys och morfologi (Chart analysis and morphology)(Gothenburg, Sweden, Språkdata, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 87--93, 1977) Sågvall Hein, Anna; Allén, Sture; Gavare, Rolf; Gellerstam, MartinKirje DANwORD – Hyppighedsundersøgelser i moderne dansk (DANwORD – Frequency surveys in modern Danish)(Gothenburg, Sweden, Språkdata, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 65--74, 1977) Maegaard, Bente; Ruus, Hanne; Allén, Sture; Gavare, Rolf; Gellerstam, MartinKirje BETA-systemet: En sammanfattning (The BETA system: A summary)(Gothenburg, Sweden, Språkdata, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 20--26, 1977) Brodda, Benny; Allén, Sture; Gavare, Rolf; Gellerstam, MartinKirje Projektet Lexikalisk databas (The Lexical Database project)(Gothenburg, Sweden, Språkdata, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 79--81, 1977) Ralph, Bo; Allén, Sture; Gavare, Rolf; Gellerstam, MartinKirje Algoritmisk textanalys – en presentation (Algorithmic text analysis – A presentation)(Gothenburg, Sweden, Språkdata, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 27--30, 1977) Eeg-Olofsson, Mats; Allén, Sture; Gavare, Rolf; Gellerstam, MartinKirje EDB i ordboksproduksjon: Tillrettelegging av Norsk Landbruksordbok for trykking (EDB in dictionary production: Adaptation of the Norwegian Agricultural Dictionary for printing)(Gothenburg, Sweden, Språkdata, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 31--38, 1977) Fonnes, Ivar; Allén, Sture; Gavare, Rolf; Gellerstam, MartinKirje Automatisk lemmatisering utan stamlexikon (Automatic lemmatization without stem lexica)(Copenhagen, Denmark, Institut for Anvendt og Matematisk Lingvistik, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 123--132, 1979) Gavare, Rolf; Maegaard, BenteKirje Om automatisk orddeling. Forslag til en undersøgelse. (About automatic word-splitting. A survey proposal.)(Copenhagen, Denmark, Institut for Anvendt og Matematisk Lingvistik, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 43--45, 1979) Leunbach, Gustav; Maegaard, BenteKirje Produksjon av en lemmatisert konkordans til Ibsens samlede verker (Production of a lemmatized concordance of the collected works of Ibsen)(Copenhagen, Denmark, Institut for Anvendt og Matematisk Lingvistik, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 133--136, 1979) Hofland, Knut; Maegaard, BenteKirje En datastruktur for ordbøker for naturlige språk (A data structure for natural language dictionaries)(Copenhagen, Denmark, Institut for Anvendt og Matematisk Lingvistik, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 47--64, 1979) Berge, Geir; Maegaard, BenteKirje Språkvetenskaplig databehandling (Linguistic data processing)(Copenhagen, Denmark, Institut for Anvendt og Matematisk Lingvistik, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 171--179, 1979) Allén, Sture; Maegaard, BenteKirje Automatisk orddeling (Automatic word-splitting)(Copenhagen, Denmark, Institut for Anvendt og Matematisk Lingvistik, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 33--42, 1979) Hansson, Hasse; Maegaard, Bente