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Sirvi Arvutiteaduste instituudi konverentsid Kuupäev järgi
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Kirje Automatic Compound Word Reconstruction for Speech Recognitionof Compounding Languages(2007-05-21T09:08:12Z) Alumäe, TanelKirje Dependency-Based Hybrid Model of Syntactic Analysis for the Languages with a Rather Free Word Order(2007-05-21T09:17:33Z) Bārzdiņs, Guntis; Grūzītis, NormundsKirje Using Danish as a CG Interlingua: A Wide-Coverage Norwegian-English Machine Translation System(2007-05-21T09:20:41Z) Bick, Eckhard; Nygaard, LarsKirje Time Extraction from Real-time Generated Football Reports(2007-05-21T09:23:32Z) Borg, MarkusKirje Spoken Document Retrieval in a Highly Inflectional Language(2007-05-21T09:25:08Z) Ekman, Inger; Järvelin, KalervoKirje Inducing Baseform Models from a Swedish Vocabulary Pool(2007-05-21T10:41:42Z) Forsbom, EvaKirje Achieving Goals in Collaboration: Analysis of Estonian Institutional Calls(2007-05-21T10:44:09Z) Gerassimenko, Olga; Koit, Mare; Rääbis, Andriela; Strandson, KristaKirje Development of Text-To-Speech System for Latvian(2007-05-21T10:49:55Z) Goba, Kārlis; Vasiļjevs, AndrejsKirje Evaluating Stages of Development in Second Language French: A Machine-Learning Approach(2007-05-21T10:52:51Z) Granfeldt, Jonas; Nugues, PierreKirje Clausal Coordinate Ellipsis in German: The TIGER Treebank as a Source of Evidence(2007-05-21T10:55:18Z) Harbusch, Karin; Kempen GerardKirje Widening the HolSum Search Scope(2007-05-21T10:57:29Z) Hassel, Martin; Sjöbergh, JonasKirje Identifying Cross Language Term Equivalents Using Statistical Machine Translation and Distributional Association Measures(2007-05-21T11:02:19Z) Hjelm, HansKirje An Advanced Speech Corpus for Norwegian(2007-05-23T07:39:01Z) Johannessen, Janne Bondi; Hagen, Kristin; Priestley, Joel James; Nygaard, LarsKirje Extended Constituent-to-Dependency Conversion for English(2007-05-23T07:40:49Z) Johansson, Richard; Nugues, PierreKirje Comparison of the Self-Organizing Map and Multidimensional Scaling in Analysis of Estonian Emotion Concepts(2007-05-23T07:42:23Z) Kirt, Toomas; Vainik, EneKirje The Extraction of Trajectories from Real Texts Based on Linear Classification(2007-05-23T07:45:03Z) Li, Hanjing; Zhao, Tiejun; Li, Sheng; Zhao, JiyuanKirje IceParser: An Incremental Finite-State Parser for Icelandic(2007-05-23T07:46:42Z) Loftsson, Hrafn; Rögnvaldsson, EiríkurKirje The Swedish-Turkish Parallel Corpus and Tools for its Creation(2007-05-23T07:49:07Z) B. Megyesi, Beata; Dahlqvist, BengtKirje Multivariate Cepstral Feature Compensation on Band-limited Data for Robust Speech Recognition(2007-05-23T07:51:48Z) Morales, Nicolas; Hansen, John H. L.; Toledano, Doroteo T.; Garrido, JavierKirje Theoretically Motivated Treebank Coverage(2007-05-23T07:53:37Z) Rosén, Victoria; De Smedt, Koenraad