Demokraatia ja valitsemise õppekava magistritööd – Master´s theses
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Sirvi Demokraatia ja valitsemise õppekava magistritööd – Master´s theses Märksõna "akulturatsioon" järgi
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Kirje How can E-Government facilitate the process of immigrants’ integration? The case of new labor immigrants in Estonia(Tartu Ülikool, 2019) Popova, Anastasiia; Solvak, Mihkel, juhendaja; Muhhina, Kristina, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituutImmigrant integration is an integral part of contemporary policy. Yet, while various studies have discussed different factors that might affect integration, relatively few existing studies have devoted their attention to the impact of E-Government on migrant integration. This study intends to measure E-Government impact on immigrants’ integration. The research presents the conceptual framework for examining the linkage between E-government and integration, namely on the first stage of integration – acculturation. This is a crucial stage of integration, as identified by Favell, 2003. This paper demonstrates the experience of new Estonian labor migrants. The findings illustrate Estonian new labor migrants’ experience of the adaptation process, indicating the positive and negative impacts of E-Government. The study contributes a valuable illustration of new migrants’ experience in Estonia, and recommends a series of solutions, such as improved access to alternate languages, and access to e-Governance awareness training, as part of the welcome programme for new migrants to Estonia.