Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituut
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Item Heaoluühiskonna sotsiaalmajanduslik jätkusuutlikkus Euroopa Liidu 15 liikmesriigi näitel aastatel 2004-2010(Tartu Ülikool, 2012) Mikker, Taavi; Kaldaru, Helje, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Riigiteaduste instituutAs a result of aging of the population, economic stagnation and financial crisis the question of European welfare society and its sustainability has become a matter again. On this topic there has been many discussions and debates in recent years. The last financial and economic crisis showed that the welfare society may not be so stable as it seems and it's sustainability needs to be questioned. This thesis approaches the problem by defining the welfare state, also by explaining different classification of states or models and different views to the question in the theoretical part of this paper. In the empirical part 15 European Union members are being analyzed according to different socio-economic indicators and the conclusion to the questions raised are made. The main purposes of this thesis is to describe and explain different approaches to welfare state; give an overview of historical development of welfare state; explain the emerged social changes and problems in society; analyze the sustainability of the welfare state in the light of last economic crisis and to make conclusions for development. There has been many approaches and different classification of the welfare states and to the question of country's responsibilities towards its citizens. In this particular thesis the question of classification was solved by defining different states according to the functions of the state and the scale of responsibilities and functions it offers. According to the comparison of the groups and the correlation analysis there is hard to say whether and for how long the welfare society is able to function present way, because the differences in the socio-economic indicators were not so obvious and clear. Despite this, there are clear trends, that can be seen in the indicators, which European countries need to solve by reforming the welfare state model.Item Macro level comparisions and extreme right-wing vote in western Europe(Tartu Ülikool, 2012) Otti, Silva; Pettai, Vello, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Riigiteaduste instituutCompetition theory suggests that an increase in collective threat to the dominant ethnic and racial groups increases out-group prejudice, which should translate into support for extreme right-wing parties (ERP) in national elections. Collective threat is understood as competition over scarce resources, which is intensified through rising immigration, unemployment, inflation rates and reduced economic growth. This study uses regional level data in five Western European countries over the period of 2000-2011 to measure the effects of the proposed variables on extreme right-wing party support in national elections. The results indicate that high levels of immigration and reduced economic growth increases ERP support as the theory predicted. Contrary to the theory, however, unemployment and inflation correlate negatively with ERP support. Though the basic tenants of competition theory found clear support indicating structural change that will spur extreme right-wing vote, it is necessary to reevaluate competition theory in relation to unemployment and possibly also to inflation, in order to determine whether the unpredicted results come from differences in prejudice levels or other competing values that are capable of undermining the role of prejudice.Item Madala sissetuleku mõju konservatismile: Ida- ja Lääne-Euroopa riikide võrdluses 21. sajandil(Tartu Ülikool, 2021) Lest, Janete; Talving, Liisa, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituutKäesoleva töö eesmärgiks on tõestada või ümber lükata, kas madal sissetulek mõjutab parempoolsete ja konservatiivsete erakondade valimise eelistamist riikide parlamendivalimistel. Töös analüüsitakse võimalikku seost madala sissetuleku ja parempoolsuse vahel Ida- ja Lääne-Euroopa valimi riikide näitel. Töö esimeses osas defineeritakse konservatismi kontseptsioon antud töös, kirjeldatakse, kuidas töös konservatismi mõõdetakse ning võrreldakse teiste võimalike variantidega. Samuti kirjeldatakse madala sissetuleku mõõtmise meetodit antud töös ning seletatakse, milline võib madala sissetuleku mõju valimiskäitumisele olla. Töö teises osas kirjeldatakse uurimustöö meetodit ning kirjeldatakse valimit, tuues välja põhjused, miks antud valim sai uurimustöö hüpoteesi jaoks valitud. Töö kolmas osa on kvalitatiivne analüüs. Analüüs koosneb valimi riikide ning eelnevalt mainitud muutujate vahelisest suhtest. Analüüsiosas on avatud iga valimi riiki eraldi ning kirjeldatud muutujate muutust 21. sajandi lõikes. Töö tulemusena selgub, et madal sissetulek üksiku muutujana ei mõjuta antud valimi põhjal parempoolsete erakondade eelistamist. Tihti on madal sissetulek seotud veel teiste muutujatega, mis võivad parempoolsete erakondade eelistamist põhjustada.Item Political cooperation and international environmental governance in the Baltic Sea region after World War II(Tartu Ülikool, 2012) Kelder, Taavi; Pääbo, Heiko, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Riigiteaduste instituutToday, global environmental problems have become one of the most important international issues. The current Master’s thesis is about international environmental and political cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region after World War II. The Baltic Sea is surrounded by nine states and the degradation of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea has become a common problem. However, international environmental cooperation depends on many political factors: financial support, international organizations, attitude of states, international law and status of environmental issues in the international arena. The Master’s thesis focuses on different forms of political cooperation which have influenced international governance in the Baltic Sea area. These forms of political cooperation include the Cold War political situation, the division between the East and the West, increased cooperation after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Helsinki Commission and the European Union. International environmental cooperation needs appropriate political environment where states around a sea have incentives and will to protect the environment. The Baltic Sea is a good example of international governance of maritime environment.