4. Mujal kaitstud dissertatsioonid. Theses from other universities
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Sirvi 4. Mujal kaitstud dissertatsioonid. Theses from other universities Pealkiri järgi
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Kirje Aastate 1918-1940 eestikeelsed haridus- ja kasvatusalased raamatud: bibliograafia : diplomitöö(Viljandi : Viljandi Kultuurikolledž, 2003) Plaksi, Sille; Vaaro, Ilmar, juhendajaKirje Automorfsete muldade hüdrofüüsikalised omadused, nende parandamise võimalusi ja mõju kultuurökosüsteemide produktiivsusele Eesti NSV näitel : 03.00.16 - biogeotsönoloogia ja ökoloogia : dissertatsioon bioloogiadoktori teadusliku kraadi taotlemiseks(Tartu : Eesti Põllumajanduse Akadeemia, 1975) Kitse, Endel; Reintam, L., juhendajaKirje Eesti heliplaat paguluses 1945-1991(Tallinn : Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool, 2003) Talts, Gea; Riisalu, Katre, juhendajaKirje Eesti nõukogude kirjanduskriitika 1958-1972 (Suhe kirjandusega. Meetod. Poeetika.)(Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia. Keele ja Kirjanduse Instituut, 1984) Veidemann, Rein; Kalda, Maie, juhendajaKirje Kasepuidu anatoomiline ehitus ja füüsikalis-mehaanilised omadused Eesti metsakasvukohatüüpides(Tartu : [Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia], 1969) Kasesalu, Aino; Veermets, K., juhendajaKirje Kooliõpikud kui erineva maailmavaate kujundajad: Eesti ajaloo gümnaasiumiõpikute näitel (1991-2012)(2014) Arutyunyan, David; Talts, Mait, juhendajaThe aim of this thesis is to investigate Estonian history textbooks published in the Republic of Estonia in Estonian as well as in Russian languages and used in the gymnasium during the period from 1991-2012. The thesis is focused on the following landmarks in the history of Estonia: The World War II, the Stalin's repressions, the time under the Soviet rule, the collapse of the Soviet union and the sovereignty of Estonia stemming from it. It is these periods and landmarks which may originate different theoretical interpretations of history in terms of the framework of Estonian Republic. Estonian as well as Russian textbooks of history for gymnasium can serve as sources and media for interpretations. Topicality and actual value of the thesis today is certain and evident owing to the reasons. Since it is perfectly possible to influence and shape the worldviews and perspectives of a personality especially during one's reaching the age of puberty. History textbooks or as in the case Estonian textbooks on history in particular are the means enabling to create certain viewpoints and perspectives. School plays the role of institution with its curricula realizing the mentioned function. The young among the local Estonians as well as Russian-speaking minorities may have different perspectives and viewpoints. Besides that, the Estonian textbooks used do not necessarily reflect the historical facts the same way, neither give similar understanding of the same landmarks of significance. Given the mentioned assumptions it is important to learn whether the history textbooks published in this particular time lapse in Estonia have possibly influenced in certain way and shaped different understandings of the past events or on the contrary, suggest the same identical worldview and perspective or imply several alternative possible interpretations. There have been made certain conclusions with the help of analysis made on the basis of comparisons and juxtaposing. The conclusions found are that Estonian textbooks can shape and create different viewpoints being in stark contrast with one another. There are differences between the Estonians textbooks written in Russian and Estonian as well as numerous differences between the textbooks written in Estonian. It is worth mentioning that the difference between the textbooks written in Russian language are negligible and minor.Kirje "Piparkoogimaania" kui uks kunsti ja traditsioonide maailma: näituseprojekt ja kunstiharidusprogramm(Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, 2008) Laanemaa, Mari-Liis; Purre, Anu, juhendajaKirje Quae fuerint Patculii partes ineunte bello septentrionali : Dissertatio quam rectore academiae magnificentissimo Augusto ac potentissimo principe ac domino domino Carolo Friderico ... consensu et auctoritate ordinis philosophorum amplissimi in Academia Jenensi pro venia docendi rite adipiscenda die XXIII. m. octobris a. MDCCCXLVII publice defendet / auctor Ernestus Adolfus Herrmann(Typis Branii, 1847) Herrmann, Ernst AdolfKirje Raamatukogu elektronkataloog ja aineotsing: arendusprobleeme 1990. aastate Eestis(Tallinn : Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool, 2004) Nilbe, Sirje; Rannap, Evi, juhendajaKirje Rahvusvaheline kunstivõrgustik internetis ja selle võimaluste kasutamine kunstiharidusprojektis(Tallinn : Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, 2008) Tomson, Lea; Antson, Malle, juhendajaKirje Rationis quae ordini militari Teutonico cum ordine ecclesiastico saeculo XIII ineunte in Prussia intercesserit explicatio(Typis Trowitzschii et filii, 1837) Herrmann, ErnstKirje Kirje Traditsiooniliste infootsisüsteemide kujunemine Tartu Ülikooli Raamatukogus 19.saj.- 20.saj. algul(Tartu, 1999) Dubjeva, Ljudmila; Aasmets, Marje, juhendajaKirje Universal pattern of cultural omnivorousness? : A comparison of cultural taste patterns in Estonia and the Netherlands(2015) Lukas, Triinu; Prof. dr. Koen van Eijck, juhendaja; Erasmus University RotterdamThis paper seeks to examine the character of cultural taste patterns in the Netherlands and in previously formally ‘classless’ Estonia and argue what could be the reasons behind the potential differences. Information from nationally representative survey data collected by Eurobarometer in 2001/2003, 2007 and 2013 from Estonian and Dutch respondents on cultural participation is analyzed and, using multinomial regression analysis, linked to a set of indicators of social background and values. The results show that, although in both countries there are clusters of omnivores and non-consumers, these clusters are influenced differently by the chosen predictor variables. While in Estonia, where values concerned with individual background are prevalent, also individuals’ own class position predicted omnivorousness best, in the Netherlands more socially responsible values such as social equality and solidarity and cultural diversity were of greatest importance in predicting taste patterns. The study exemplified that, in applying familiar theories about cultural lifestyles, it is important to consider specific country contextsKirje Valguse mõju süsiniku metabolismi glükolaatsele teele kõrgemate taimede lehtedes(Tallinn : Eksperimentaalbioloogia Instituut, 1975) Värk, Eda; Keerberg, Olav, juhendajaKirje Kirje Võru Maavalitsuse Väimela põllutöökooli õppetalu organiseerimise kava : diplomitöö(Väimela, 1932) Pless, AlfredKirje Willkür und Gnade : Urfehdewesen in Krems und Stein 1347-1527 : master thesis of arts degree in medieval studies(Budapest : Central European University, 1994) Somelar, Erik