Raamatud inglise keeles. Books in English
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Kirje 2000 Regular Report from the Commission on Estonia’s Progress Towards Accession(2000) European CommissionKirje 2001 REGULAR REPORT ON ESTONIA'S PROGRESS TOWARDS ACCESSION. SEC(2001) 1747(2001) European CommissionKirje 2002 REGULAR REPORT ON ESTONIA'S PROGRESS TOWARDS ACCESSION {COM(2002) 700 final}(2002) European CommissionKirje A first English book(Tartu : Eesti Kirjanduse Selts, 1927) Ripman, Walter; Clanmann, W. G.Kirje A Glimpse of Estonian Literature(Manchester : Sherratt & Hughes, 1933) Harris, Ernest HowardKirje A journey to St. Petersburg and Moscow through Courland and Livonia(London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, 1836) Ritchie, LeitchKirje A new method of determining the nutritional value of foodstuffs and the practical importance of such a method(Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, 1961) Rannak, EeroKirje A second English book(Tallinn : G. Pihlakas, 1922) Ripman, WalterKirje A tale of two cities / abridged and simplified by E. Tiling(Tartu : Kool, 1939) Dickens, Charles; Tiling, Else von, kohandajaKirje The abstinence movement in Estonia(1927) Ernits, VillemKirje Academic writing guideline for writing in English(Tartu : University of Tartu, 2013) AnonymousKirje Agrarian reform in Esthonia : a means of suppressing the racial minority(Berlin : Baltischer Verlag, 1922) Bogdanov, GeorgKirje The agrarian reform in Esthonia from the legal point of view(Berlin : Baltischer Verlag, 1922) Weller, ArthurKirje Agricultural conditions in Esthonia : a short survey(Helsinki : Tietosanakirja-Oskeyhtiö, 1923) AnonymousKirje Agricultural conditions in Esthonia : a short survey(Helsinki : Tietosanakirja-Osakeyhtiö, 1922) AnonymousKirje Kirje Ambassador Dodd's diary 1933 - 1938(London : Gollancz, 1941) Dodd, William E.Kirje An Account of Livonia; with a relation of the Rise, Progress, and Decay of the Marian Teutonick Order. The several Revolutions that have happen'd there to these present Times, with the Wars of Poland, Sweden and Muscovy, contending for that Province. A particular Account of the Dukedoms of Courland, Semigallia, and the Province of Pilten. To which is added The Author's Journey from Livonia to Holland, in 1698. with his Observations upon Prussia, Brandenburgh, Hannover, Hesse, and several other German Courts(London : Printed for Peter Buck, 1701) Blomberg, Karl Johann vonKirje An estimate of the distance of the Andromeda Nebula(Tartu, 1922) Öpik, ErnstKirje An income-tax based on the Pareto Law(Tallinn, 1937) Nuut, Jüri