Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics
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Kirje Proceedings of the Workshop on NLP and Pseudonymisation(Turku, Finland, 2019) Ahrenberg, Lars; Megyesi, BeataKirje Proceedings of the First NLPL Workshop on Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing(Turku, Finland, 2019) Nivre, Joakim; Derczynski, Leon; Ginter, Filip; Lindi, Bjørn; Oepen, Stephan; Søgaard, Anders; Tidemann, JörgKirje Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics(Turku, Finland, 2001) Hartmann, Mareike; Plank, BarbaraKirje An evaluation of Czech word embeddings(Turku, Finland, Linköping University Electronic Press, pp. 65--75, 2019) Hořeňovská, Karolína; Hartmann, Mareike; Plank, BarbaraKirje Language Modeling with Syntactic and Semantic Representation for Sentence Acceptability Predictions(Turku, Finland, Linköping University Electronic Press, pp. 76--85, 2019) Ek, Adam; Bernardy, Jean-Philippe; Lappin, Shalom; Hartmann, Mareike; Plank, BarbaraKirje Comparing linear and neural models for competitive MWE identification(Turku, Finland, Linköping University Electronic Press, pp. 86--96, 2019) Saied, Hazem Al; Candito, Marie; Constant, Mathieu; Hartmann, Mareike; Plank, BarbaraKirje Some steps towards the generation of diachronic WordNets(Turku, Finland, Linköping University Electronic Press, pp. 55--64, 2019) Bizzoni, Yuri; Mosbach, Marius; Klakow, Dietrich; Degaetano-Ortlieb, Stefania; Hartmann, Mareike; Plank, BarbaraKirje Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification using Vector Embedded Domain Representations(Turku, Finland, Linköping University Electronic Press, pp. 48--57, 2019) Rasmussen, Nicolaj Filrup; Jensen, Kristian Nørgaard; Placenti, Marco; Wang, Thai; Nivre, Joakim and Derczynski, Leon and Ginter, Filip; Lindi, Bjørn; Oepen, Stephan; Søgaard, Anders; Tidemann, JörgKirje Multiclass Text Classification on Unbalanced, Sparse and Noisy Data(Turku, Finland, Linköping University Electronic Press, pp. 58--65, 2019) Dönicke, Tillmann; Damaschk, Matthias; Lux, Florian; Nivre, Joakim and Derczynski, Leon and Ginter, Filip; Lindi, Bjørn; Oepen, Stephan; Søgaard, Anders; Tidemann, JörgKirje AnonyMate: A Toolkit for Anonymizing Unstructured Chat Data(Turku, Finland, Linköping Electronic Press, pp. 1--7, 2019) Adams, Allison; Aili, Eric; Aioanei, Daniel; Jonsson, Rebecca; Mickelsson, Lina; Mikmekova, Dagmar; Roberts, Fred; Valencia, Javier Fernandez; Wechsler, Roger; Ahrenberg, Lars; Megyesi, BeataKirje Pseudonymisation of Swedish Electronic Patient Records Using a Rule-Based Approach(Turku, Finland, Linköping Electronic Press, pp. 16--23, 2019) Dalianis, Hercules; Ahrenberg, Lars; Megyesi, BeataKirje Augmenting a De-identification System for Swedish Clinical Text Using Open Resources and Deep Learning(Turku, Finland, Linköping Electronic Press, pp. 8--15, 2019) Berg, Hanna; Dalianis, Hercules; Ahrenberg, Lars; Megyesi, BeataKirje Multilingual Probing of Deep Pre-Trained Contextual Encoders(Turku, Finland, Linköping University Electronic Press, pp. 37--47, 2019) Ravishankar, Vinit; Gökırmak, Memduh; Øvrelid, Lilja; Velldal, Erik; Nivre, Joakim and Derczynski, Leon and Ginter, Filip; Lindi, Bjørn; Oepen, Stephan; Søgaard, Anders; Tidemann, JörgKirje To Lemmatize or Not to Lemmatize: How Word Normalisation Affects ELMo Performance in Word Sense Disambiguation(Turku, Finland, Linköping University Electronic Press, pp. 22--28, 2019) Kutuzov, Andrey; Kuzmenko, Elizaveta; Nivre, Joakim and Derczynski, Leon and Ginter, Filip; Lindi, Bjørn; Oepen, Stephan; Søgaard, Anders; Tidemann, JörgKirje Improving Semantic Dependency Parsing with Syntactic Features(Turku, Finland, Linköping University Electronic Press, pp. 12--21, 2019) Kurtz, Robin; Roxbo, Daniel; Kuhlmann, Marco; Nivre, Joakim and Derczynski, Leon and Ginter, Filip; Lindi, Bjørn; Oepen, Stephan; Søgaard, Anders; Tidemann, JörgKirje A larger-scale evaluation resource of terms and their shift direction for diachronic lexical semantics(Turku, Finland, Linköping University Electronic Press, pp. 44--54, 2019) van Aggelen, Astrid; Fokkens, Antske; Hollink, Laura; van Ossenbruggen, Jacco; Hartmann, Mareike; Plank, BarbaraKirje Is Multilingual BERT Fluent in Language Generation?(Turku, Finland, Linköping University Electronic Press, pp. 29--36, 2019) Rönnqvist, Samuel; Kanerva, Jenna; Salakoski, Tapio; Ginter, Filip; Nivre, Joakim and Derczynski, Leon and Ginter, Filip; Lindi, Bjørn; Oepen, Stephan; Søgaard, Anders; Tidemann, JörgKirje Mark my Word: A Sequence-to-Sequence Approach to Definition Modeling(Turku, Finland, Linköping University Electronic Press, pp. 1--11, 2019) Mickus, Timothee; Paperno, Denis; Constant, Matthieu; Nivre, Joakim and Derczynski, Leon and Ginter, Filip; Lindi, Bjørn; Oepen, Stephan; Søgaard, Anders; Tidemann, JörgKirje LEGATO: A flexible lexicographic annotation tool(Turku, Finland, Linköping University Electronic Press, pp. 382--388, 2019) Alfter, David; Tiedemann, Therese Lindström; Volodina, Elena; Hartmann, Mareike; Plank, BarbaraKirje The Seemingly (Un)systematic Linking Element in Danish(Turku, Finland, Linköping University Electronic Press, pp. 376--380, 2019) Boldsen, Sidsel; Agirrezabal, Manex; Hartmann, Mareike; Plank, Barbara