Tõlke mõiste dünaamikast tõlketeaduses ja eesti tõlkeloos
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Doktoritöö eesmärgiks on kaardistada, kirjeldada ja analüüsida mõningaid tõlke mõiste dünaamika avaldumisvorme tõlketeaduses ja eesti tõlkeloos. Doktoritöö lähtekohaks on tõlke mõiste dünaamiline ja mitmetahuline loomus, mis on raskendanud tõlketeadusel oma objekti määratlemist. Väitekirjas käsitletakse tõlke mõiste dünaamikat mõjutavaid tegureid, nagu kultuurikontekst, tehnoloogiline keskkond, tõlketeooria dünaamika ja suhted teiste distsipliinidega. Doktoritöö põhiosa moodustavates artiklites on vaatluse all tõlge kui tõlketeaduse objekt ja tänapäevase tõlketeaduse seosed kultuuridünaamikaga; Roman Jakobsoni vaadete ja tõlkimise teema suhestamine akadeemilistes teatmeteostes; “hea tõlke” mõiste ja tunnused, mille alusel hinnatakse tõlkeid 20. sajandi alguse eesti tõlkekriitikas; tõlkediskursust organiseerivad kujundid eesti tõlkekriitikas 20. sajandi algupoolel kuni II maailmasõjani. Kokkuvõttes uuritakse doktoritöös tõlke mõiste erinevaid avaldumisvorme, nende käsitlusi tõlketeaduses ja semiootikas, tuuakse esile tõlke mõiste kitsamaid ja laiemaid määratlusi ning nende seoseid kultuurikonteksti ja tõlketeooria dünaamikaga.
The aim of the doctoral dissertation is to map, describe and analyse some aspects of the dynamics of the concept of translation as manifesting in translation studies and in Estonian translation history. The point of departure is the dynamic and multifaceted nature of the concept of translation that has made it difficult for translation studies to define its research object. The thesis pays attention to factors that contribute to the dynamics of the concept of translation, such as cultural context, technological environment, dynamics of translation theory and relations with other disciplines. Issues addressed in the articles constituting the main body of the dissertation include translation as a research object of translation studies and the relations of contemporary translation research with cultural dynamics; the connections established between Roman Jakobson’s views and the topic of translation in academic reference works; the notion of “good translation” and the criteria used for evaluating translations in Estonian translation criticism at the beginning of the 20th century; imagery for characterizing translations in the pre-World War II Estonian translation criticism. In summary, the dissertation studies the concept of translation in its different manifestations, pays attention to its treatment in translation studies and semiotics, brings forth narrower and broader forms of the concept of translation and its relations with the general cultural context and the dynamics of translation theory.
The aim of the doctoral dissertation is to map, describe and analyse some aspects of the dynamics of the concept of translation as manifesting in translation studies and in Estonian translation history. The point of departure is the dynamic and multifaceted nature of the concept of translation that has made it difficult for translation studies to define its research object. The thesis pays attention to factors that contribute to the dynamics of the concept of translation, such as cultural context, technological environment, dynamics of translation theory and relations with other disciplines. Issues addressed in the articles constituting the main body of the dissertation include translation as a research object of translation studies and the relations of contemporary translation research with cultural dynamics; the connections established between Roman Jakobson’s views and the topic of translation in academic reference works; the notion of “good translation” and the criteria used for evaluating translations in Estonian translation criticism at the beginning of the 20th century; imagery for characterizing translations in the pre-World War II Estonian translation criticism. In summary, the dissertation studies the concept of translation in its different manifestations, pays attention to its treatment in translation studies and semiotics, brings forth narrower and broader forms of the concept of translation and its relations with the general cultural context and the dynamics of translation theory.
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