Tartu Ülikooli kommunikatsioonimagistrite professionaalsed praktikad



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Tartu Ülikool



The aim of my bachelors thesis „The Professional Practices of Communication Masters of University of Tartu“ was to describe the principles and methods of work of the masters of The Institute of Journalism and Communication in Public Affairs and Communication Management of University of Tartu. The second aim was to find how homogeneous group they form and to compare their professional practices with the fields normative material such as textbooks and handbooks. In this thesis professional practices were considered as communication aspects that are associated with organisations needs to develop and functions that are taken care by communication managers, communication specialists or public relations managers. Namely there were descriptions of „how“ and „why“ communication professionals solve routine and ad hoc assignments. The present thesis belongs into a series consisting of three bachelor thesis where all papers had a different focus based on the same source material. 15 in-depth interviews based on a similar questionnaire were conducted with alumni of the masters degree of communication management (graduating from 2005 to 2009). In the interviews the masters reflected necessary skills and knowledge in their everyday work, their position and tasks as well as techniques and methods of work they employ. The results indicated that many professional practices are individual and do not overlap with the experience of others; nevertheless all of the respondents have a certain amount of coincident experiences. Clearly there were more similarities than differences. Often the differences result from specialities of the organisations or respondents themselves and not from strong fundamental disagreements. A secondary result suggests that in communication activities masters rely on prevailing theories and handbook knowledge. The collected data (interviews with masters) are definitely usable in further, more thorough analyses. Research questions raised in this paper (homogeneity of masters’ practices) as well as other directions that deal with communication masters of University of Tartu (eg. use of theoretical aspects in everyday practices) can be further studied based on these interviews.


bakalaureusetööd, ametid (töökohad), kommunikatsioonijuhtimine, suhtekorraldus, haridus, magistriõpe, Tartu Ülikool
