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Tartu Ülikool



The objective of the baccalaureate thesis “The starting-points of a grass fire prevention public service campaign” were to research the attitudes and opinions of the campaigns target groups and also to provide starting-points and recommendations to carry out the campaign. The first chapter explains why grass fires are a problem in Estonia and what kind of prevention themed informing has been carried out before. The second chapter deals with the background of the public service campaigns target group. There is a comparison of grass fires in different counties and on the basis of available statistics also a comparison of the populations awareness about the environmental dangers of grass fires. In addition there’s an overview of a Bolivian campaign about preventing forest fires and an explanation about what methods were used to analyze the target group. In the same chapter Päästeamet’s attitudes about the target group of the grass fire prevention public service campaign are pointed out. The third chapter explains the concepts campaign and social-marketing. The explanation of the term campaign is based on the works of Kendall, Rogers and Storey. The principles of the term social-marketing are taken from the works of Kotler, Roberto and Lee. The fourth chapter brings out the elements of a successful campaign and explains what should be taken in to account when one wants to plan and execute an effective campaing. The fifth chapter contains description of the method and sample selection. The targetgroup research is based on semi-structured interviews. Target-group’s attitudes about the grass-fires were examined in those interviews. The same method was used in forest fire preventsion campaign in Bolivia. The sixth chapter is the outcome of the research, that is deducted from the interviews with the members of the target group about their knowledge of the negatives of grass fires and the associated sanctions. It appears that people have sufficient awareness about fire protection and about the fact that grass burning is prohibited. Still the author of the thesis doubts, whether people use all that knowledge when making a fire. The seventh chapter brings out the starting points and recommendations to plan and implement a grass fire prevention public service campaign. Genereally it can be said, that informing has been rather effective and there is no need to make fundamental changes. In the discussion chapter it is noted that the general knowledge about fire protection should be researched more thoroughly. It is also important to find out how much of that knowledge is actually put to use.


H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd
