Riikide enesekaitse ja kollektiivse julgeolekusüsteemi võimalikkusest terroristlike mitteriiklike rühmituste kontekstis
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Terrorism on viimastel aastakümnetel muutunud eriti aktuaalseks julgeolekuprobleemiks nii siseriiklikul kui ka rahvusvahelisel tasandil. Sellele probleemile on võimalik läheneda kas korrakaitselisest või militaarsest paradigmast. Esimene käsitleb terrorismi kriminaalse tegevusena, mis kuulub siseriiklike õiguskaitseorganite pädevusse, ja teine suhtub terrorismi kui julgeoleku ohtu, mis kuulub sõjalisse vastutusalasse. Töö keskendub viimasele ning uurib, kuivõrd ja millistel tingimustel on riikidel võimalik kasutada relvastatud jõudu (enesekaitset või kollektiivset julgeolekusüsteemi) võitluses terroristlike mitteriiklike rühmituste vastu. Hinnangu andmise teevad keeruliseks ainuüksi asjaolud, et rahvusvahelises õiguses puudub jätkuvalt üldiselt aktsepteeritud terrorismi definitsioon, relvastatud jõu kasutamise reeglid pärinevad Teise maailmasõja lõpust ja mitteriiklikel rühmitustel ei ole oma territooriumi, vaid paiknevad mõne riigi territooriumil. Seetõttu eeldab terroristlike mitteriiklike rühmituste vastane võitlus rahvusvahelise õigussüsteemi innovatiivset tõlgendamist ja kasutamist, seejuures ohustamata selle alustalasid. Riigid võivad teostada enesekaitset mitteriiklike rühmituste korraldatud terroristlike rünnakute vastu, kui need on oma ulatuse ja mõjude poolest võrreldavad tavapäraste relvastatud rünnakutega ning need on omistatavad riigile või viimane osaleb nendes oluliselt. Samuti tekib riigil kohustus taluda teiste riikide vastumeetmeid, kui ta võimaldab terroristlikele mitteriiklikele rühmitustele varjupaika või ei ole suuteline kõrvaldama neilt tulenevaid ohtusid. Rahvusvahelise õiguse fundamentaalse põhimõtte kohaselt on riigil kohustus teadlikult mitte lubada oma territooriumi kasutada tegudeks, mis rikuvad teiste riikide õigusi või julgeolekut. Julgeolekunõukogul on võimalik määratleda terroriakt ohuna rahule ja käivitada kollektiivne julgeolekusüsteem, mis lubab rakendada ka sõjalisi sunnimeetmeid asjasse puutuvate terroristlike mitteriiklike rühmituste või riikide vastu.
Terrorism has become an especially pressing security problem, both domestically and internationally, in recent decades. This problem can be approached from either a law enforcement or military perspective. The first considers terrorism as a criminal activity that falls under the responsibility of domestic law enforcement authorities while the second perspective regards terrorism as a national security threat that demands military action. This thesis is about the military perspective, and examines whether and under which circumstances states may use armed force (self-defence or collective security system) in the fight against terrorist non-state actors. Giving an assessment is difficult, moreover, because international law still lacks a generally accepted definition of terrorism, the rules concerning the use of armed force date back to the end of the Second World War and non-state actors do not have their own territory, but are operating in the territory of a state. Therefore the fight against terrorism demands a more innovative interpretation and use of international legal system, without jeopardising its foundations in the process. States may exercise self-defence against a terrorist attack committed by a non-state actor if the attack is comparable in scale and effect to a conventional armed attack and is attributable to a state or the latter is substantially involved in the attack. Additionally, a state has an obligation to bear counter-measures by other states if the former provides safe haven to terrorist non-state actors or is not capable of eliminating threats from such actors. According to a fundamental principle of international law, a state must not allow knowingly anyone to use its territory in a way that endangers the rights or security of other states. The Security Council may determine that a terrorist act is a threat to the peace and may therefore initiate the collective security system, permitting to use also military enforcement measures against relevant terrorist non-state actors or states.
Terrorism has become an especially pressing security problem, both domestically and internationally, in recent decades. This problem can be approached from either a law enforcement or military perspective. The first considers terrorism as a criminal activity that falls under the responsibility of domestic law enforcement authorities while the second perspective regards terrorism as a national security threat that demands military action. This thesis is about the military perspective, and examines whether and under which circumstances states may use armed force (self-defence or collective security system) in the fight against terrorist non-state actors. Giving an assessment is difficult, moreover, because international law still lacks a generally accepted definition of terrorism, the rules concerning the use of armed force date back to the end of the Second World War and non-state actors do not have their own territory, but are operating in the territory of a state. Therefore the fight against terrorism demands a more innovative interpretation and use of international legal system, without jeopardising its foundations in the process. States may exercise self-defence against a terrorist attack committed by a non-state actor if the attack is comparable in scale and effect to a conventional armed attack and is attributable to a state or the latter is substantially involved in the attack. Additionally, a state has an obligation to bear counter-measures by other states if the former provides safe haven to terrorist non-state actors or is not capable of eliminating threats from such actors. According to a fundamental principle of international law, a state must not allow knowingly anyone to use its territory in a way that endangers the rights or security of other states. The Security Council may determine that a terrorist act is a threat to the peace and may therefore initiate the collective security system, permitting to use also military enforcement measures against relevant terrorist non-state actors or states.
dissertatsioonid, õigusteadus, terrorism, kollektiivne julgeolek, rahvusvaheline õigus