Aktsionäri derivatiivnõue kui õiguskaitsevahend ja ühingujuhtimise abinõu
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Väitekirjas uuritakse aktsionäri derivatiivnõuet ehk aktsionäri võimalust panna aktsiaseltsi asemel maksma kahju hüvitamise nõue olukorras, kus juhatuse liige on rikkunud oma kohustust ja tekitanud aktsiaseltsile kahju. Töö eesmärgiks on leida vastus küsimusele, kas tänapäeva ühinguõiguses on aktsionärile tsiviilõigusliku derivatiivnõude õiguse võimaldamine Mandri-Euroopa õigusruumis põhjendatud. Sellise eesmärgi püstitamise on tinginud asjaolu, et aktsionäri derivatiivnõue on praktikas kasutusel eelkõige Ameerika Ühendriikides, samal ajal kui Euroopas ja eriti Mandri-Euroopa riikides esitatakse selliseid nõudeid harva. Kuna Eesti õiguses aktsionäri derivatiivnõude instituut praegu puudub, siis analüüsitakse töös ka Eesti ühinguõigust, hindamaks seda, kas aktsionäri derivatiivnõue peaks kuuluma ka siinsete aktsiaseltside aktsionäride õiguskaitsevahendite kataloogi. Olukorrale, kus aktsiaseltsi juhatus sõlmib näiteks kartellikokkuleppe või annab mingi hüve ebaseaduslikuks saavutamiseks altkäemaksu, mille tulemusena aktsiaselts juriidilise isikuna mõistetakse süüdi ja teda karistatakse rahalise karistusega, peaks loogilise sammuna järgnema ühingu kahju hüvitamise nõue rikkumise toime pannud juhtorgani liikmete vastu. Samas on üsna tõenäoline, et juhtorgani liikmete kohustuste tahtliku rikkumise korral (ja eriti olukorras, kus juhtorgani liikmed tegutsevad rikkumist toime pannes ühiselt) võivad ühingusisesed vastutuse rakendamise mehhanismid osutuda puudulikuks. Töös jõutakse järeldusele, et vaatamata aktsionäri derivatiivnõude vähesele rakendamisele Mandri-Euroopa õigussüsteemis saab seda pidada märkimisväärseks abinõuks, mis aitab täita lünki juhtorgani liikmete vastu esitatavate kahju hüvitamise nõuete maksmapanekul ja suurendada juhtorgani liikmete vastutuse kohaldamise tõenäosust, mistõttu vastav abinõu tuleks sisse viia ka Eesti õigusesse.
The main purpose of this doctoral thesis is to analyze shareholders' derivative claim – a legal possibility granted to a shareholder of a public limited company to assert a compensatory claim on behalf of a company against the company's directors who have violated their rights and caused damage to a company. The aim of the thesis is to find out, whether the shareholder's derivative claim is a proper means to fight managerial misconduct within a continental legal system, based on the civil law, as it is well-known fact that the real "cradle" of the derivative litigation is the United States of America. The author argues that the shareholder's derivative claim can be considered as a proper remedy as the legal status of shareholders', their property interests and their so-called "observation right" serve as justifications for establishing such a remedy also within a legal environment, influenced by civil law. It is also argued that as Estonian company law is yet lacking the above-mentioned legal remedy, it should be possible and even necessary to implement the same measure in Estonian Commercial Code in order to provide the same rights for the shareholders of Estonian public limited companies. As a conclusion the author of the thesis admits, that no legal remedy would ever fully avoid managerial misconduct or corporate malpractice and no law can eliminate abuse, but the shareholder's derivative claim should yet be considered as an important legal remedy to fight managerial fraud and a measure of corporate governance that helps to fill the gaps that still exist in the legal regulation of Estonian company law and in the area of executing the civil liability of corporate officers.
The main purpose of this doctoral thesis is to analyze shareholders' derivative claim – a legal possibility granted to a shareholder of a public limited company to assert a compensatory claim on behalf of a company against the company's directors who have violated their rights and caused damage to a company. The aim of the thesis is to find out, whether the shareholder's derivative claim is a proper means to fight managerial misconduct within a continental legal system, based on the civil law, as it is well-known fact that the real "cradle" of the derivative litigation is the United States of America. The author argues that the shareholder's derivative claim can be considered as a proper remedy as the legal status of shareholders', their property interests and their so-called "observation right" serve as justifications for establishing such a remedy also within a legal environment, influenced by civil law. It is also argued that as Estonian company law is yet lacking the above-mentioned legal remedy, it should be possible and even necessary to implement the same measure in Estonian Commercial Code in order to provide the same rights for the shareholders of Estonian public limited companies. As a conclusion the author of the thesis admits, that no legal remedy would ever fully avoid managerial misconduct or corporate malpractice and no law can eliminate abuse, but the shareholder's derivative claim should yet be considered as an important legal remedy to fight managerial fraud and a measure of corporate governance that helps to fill the gaps that still exist in the legal regulation of Estonian company law and in the area of executing the civil liability of corporate officers.
dissertatsioonid, õigusteadus, aktsionärid, aktsiaseltsid, kahju hüvitamine, derivatiivnõue, juhatused, vastutus, äriühinguõigus, Eesti, õigusloome, shareholders, right to claim, derivative claim, public companies, boards of directors, liability, damage, compensation of damages, corporation law, Estonia, Estonia, legislation