Tort liability of the director to company’s creditors
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Tänapäeva majanduskäive toimub suures ulatuses läbi äriühingute. Äriühing, sõltumata oma vormist, on õiguslik abstraktsioon, mis on loodud seaduse alusel ja omab kõiki tsiviilõigusi ja –kohustusi, välja arvatud neid, mis on omased ainult inimesele. Äriühing osaleb majandutegevuses enda nimel ja kõik äriühingu tehingud ja toimingud tekitavad õigusi ja kohustusi äriühingule endale.
Samas on ilmne, et äriühing õigusliku abstraktsioonina ei saa tehinguid ja toiminguid teha füüsilise isiku kaasabita. Seetõttu sõltub äriühingu käekäik väga suures ulatuses tema esindusõiguslike isikute, juhatuse liikmete, tegevusest ja tegevusetusest.
Käesolevas väitekirjas on analüüsitud juhatuse liikme deliktilise vastutuse võimalikkust äriühingu võlausaldajate ees. Kui võlausaldajal on äriühingu vastu nõue, saab ta selle nõude üldjuhul esitada vaid äriühingu enda vastu ning juhatuse liige ei kanna selle eest isiklikku vastutust. Kui aga ühing on muutunud maksejõuetuks ega suuda oma kohustusi täita, on huvipakkuvaks küsimuseks võlausaldaja nõude esitamise võimalikkus otse juhatuse liikme vastu.
Juhatuse liikme isikliku vastutuse eeldusena tuleb tuvastada tema poolne rikkumine, millega on võlausaldajale tekitatud õigusvastaselt kahju (nimetatud ka deliktiks). Väitekirjas on uuritud peamisi rikkumise juhtumeid, mis seonduvad spetsiifiliselt juhatuse liikme funktsioonide täitmisega: pankrotiavalduse esitamise kohustuse rikkumine, tegevusetus äriühingu alakapitaliseerituse olukorras ja valeinfo esitamine. Väitekirja eesmärgiks on olnud leida mõistlik tasakaal võlausaldajate huvide kaitse ja juhatuse liikme vastutuse vahel.
Current economic activities are largely based on the activities of companies. A company, irrespective of its form, is a legal entity created on the basis of laws and has all the civil rights and obligations, except those that are characteristic to humans only. The company participates in economic activities in its own name and all the acts and transactions of the company create rights and obligations to the company itself. However, it is evident that the company cannot perform acts and transactions without the assistance of a natural person. Thus, the well-being of the company depends largely on the acts and omissions of the company’s directors. The dissertation analyses the possibility of tort liability of the director to company’s creditors. If the creditor has a claim against the company, he/she can generally file this claim only against the company and the director will not be personally liable for this claim. However, if the company has become insolvent and is unable to perform its obligations, an interesting question that arises is the possibility of filing the creditor’s claim directly against the director. As a precondition of the director’s liability, it must be established the director`s breach by which unlawful damage has been caused to the creditor. The dissertation studies the main cases of breaches specifically related to the duties of the director: breach of the duty to file the bankruptcy petition, failure to act in the case of thin capitalisation of the company and disclosure of untrue statements. The aim of the dissertation is to find a reasonable balance between the protection of creditors` interests and the director`s tort liability.
Current economic activities are largely based on the activities of companies. A company, irrespective of its form, is a legal entity created on the basis of laws and has all the civil rights and obligations, except those that are characteristic to humans only. The company participates in economic activities in its own name and all the acts and transactions of the company create rights and obligations to the company itself. However, it is evident that the company cannot perform acts and transactions without the assistance of a natural person. Thus, the well-being of the company depends largely on the acts and omissions of the company’s directors. The dissertation analyses the possibility of tort liability of the director to company’s creditors. If the creditor has a claim against the company, he/she can generally file this claim only against the company and the director will not be personally liable for this claim. However, if the company has become insolvent and is unable to perform its obligations, an interesting question that arises is the possibility of filing the creditor’s claim directly against the director. As a precondition of the director’s liability, it must be established the director`s breach by which unlawful damage has been caused to the creditor. The dissertation studies the main cases of breaches specifically related to the duties of the director: breach of the duty to file the bankruptcy petition, failure to act in the case of thin capitalisation of the company and disclosure of untrue statements. The aim of the dissertation is to find a reasonable balance between the protection of creditors` interests and the director`s tort liability.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.
äriühingud, osaühingud, juhatused, juhtkond, liikmeskond, vastutus, võlausaldajad, äriühinguõigus, võlaõigus, võrdlev õigusteadus, business associations, limited liability companies, boards of directors, managerial staff, members, responsibility, creditors, company law, tort law, comparative law