Studies on artificial and extracellular matrix protein-rich surfaces as regulators of cell growth and differentiation
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Loomade kõik rakud puutuvad oma elu jooksul kokku neid ümbritseva rakuvälise maatriksiga. See on rakkude poolt sekreteeritud vaheaine, mis peamiselt koosneb valkudest ja polüsahhariididest. Koes annab rakuväline maatriks rakkudele mehhaanilise toe ja võimaldab üles ehitada keerukaid organeid. Lisaks mõjutab rakuväline maatriks rakkude kasvu, migreerumist ja diferentseerumist, kuivõrd maatriksi komponentidelt lähtuvad neid protsesse toetavad signaalid. Ühed enimuuritud rakuvälise maatriksi valgud on kollageenid ja laminiinid.
Käesolevas doktoritöös uuriti rakk-maatriks kontaktide mõju rakkude kasvule ja diferentseerumisele. Esmalt uuriti kuidas rakkude kasvupinna topograafilised omadused mõjutavad inimese naha fibroblastide kasvu. Kasvupinnasena kasutati ränil põhinevat materjali (n.ö tehisklaasi), mis andis võimaluse tekitada pindu, mis oli kaetud erineva suurusega ümarate struktuuridega. Nende struktuuride keskmine diameeter oli 200 nm, 500nm, 1 µm ja 10 µm. Selgus, et mida suuremad olid struktuurid (diameeter 500 nm, 1 µm ja 10 µm), seda aeglasem oli rakkude kasv ning sellega kaasnes rakkude nn „vananemine”. Meie teine uuring näitas, et želatiini ja glükoosi elektrospinnimise teel on võimalik tekitada kasvupindasid, mis sobivad inimese naha fibroblastide kasvatamiseks. Lisaks ilmnes, et sellised kasvupinnad tõstavad rakuvälise maatriksi valkude, laminiinide, ekspressiooni taset fibroblastides. Kolmandas uuringus käsitlesime laminiinide paiknemist ja sekreteerimist inimese trombotsüütidest. Vastupidiselt varemarvatule selgus, et laminiinid ei paikne trombotsüütide α-graanulites. Kui trombotsüüte aktiveeriti trombiiniga, siis väljusid laminiinid rakkudest mikrovesiikulite, mitte aga eksosoomide koosseisus. Doktoritöö neljandas uurimuses iseloomustati laminiinide ekspressiooni inimese embrüonaalsetes tüvirakkudes. Selgus, et retinoolhappega mõjutatud tüvirakkude varajase diferentseerumise käigus suureneb neis laminiini 511 hulk, aga laminiini 521 hulk väheneb. Lisaks leiti, et inimese embrüonaalsetes tüvirakkudes ekspresseerub lisaks varemkirjeldatule veel mitmeid teisi laminiinide isovorme. Veel enam, selgus, et mitmed erinevad laminiinide isovormid ekspresseeruvad ka sellistes inimese embrüonaalsetes tüvirakkudes, mis ei ole läinud diferentseerumise teele.
All animal cells interact with extracellular matrix (ECM) either continuously or during important phases of their life-time. ECM provides mechanical support for tissues and is thus necessary for building up organs with complex structures. The interactions between cells and ECM regulate cell growth, migration and differentiation. The major components of ECM are proteins and polysaccharides that are secreted by various cell types. Collagens and laminins are examples of widely-studied ECM proteins. The research presented in the current thesis was designed to study the ways in which cells interact with the surrounding extracellular matrix and how these bidirectional interactions affect cell growth and differentiation. Firstly, we studied how topographical properties of silica-based surfaces affect the growth of human dermal fibroblasts. Surfaces with four different sizes of round structural elements were produced (200 nm, 500nm, 1 µm ja 10 µm). It was found that increase in the size of these structural elements coincided with the decrease in cell growth and induced cell senescence. The second study demonstrated that electrospun gelatin-based scaffolds that contain glucose are suitable for growth of primary dermal fibroblasts. These scaffolds induced expression of ECM proteins such as laminins in fibroblasts. The third study investigated the localization and secretion of laminins in human platelets. Our investigation revealed that platelets do not store laminins in typical alpha granules as was shown previously, and that these proteins are secreted via microvesicles but not via exosomes when platelets become activated. The fourth study of this thesis characterized the expression of laminins in human embryonic stem cells. We observed that the relative amount of laminin-511 increases while the amount of laminin-521 decreases during early differentiation induced by retinoic acid. Additionally, we found that human embryonic stem cells express a wider range of different laminin chains than previously described, and that the laminin repertoire was independent of their differentiation status.
All animal cells interact with extracellular matrix (ECM) either continuously or during important phases of their life-time. ECM provides mechanical support for tissues and is thus necessary for building up organs with complex structures. The interactions between cells and ECM regulate cell growth, migration and differentiation. The major components of ECM are proteins and polysaccharides that are secreted by various cell types. Collagens and laminins are examples of widely-studied ECM proteins. The research presented in the current thesis was designed to study the ways in which cells interact with the surrounding extracellular matrix and how these bidirectional interactions affect cell growth and differentiation. Firstly, we studied how topographical properties of silica-based surfaces affect the growth of human dermal fibroblasts. Surfaces with four different sizes of round structural elements were produced (200 nm, 500nm, 1 µm ja 10 µm). It was found that increase in the size of these structural elements coincided with the decrease in cell growth and induced cell senescence. The second study demonstrated that electrospun gelatin-based scaffolds that contain glucose are suitable for growth of primary dermal fibroblasts. These scaffolds induced expression of ECM proteins such as laminins in fibroblasts. The third study investigated the localization and secretion of laminins in human platelets. Our investigation revealed that platelets do not store laminins in typical alpha granules as was shown previously, and that these proteins are secreted via microvesicles but not via exosomes when platelets become activated. The fourth study of this thesis characterized the expression of laminins in human embryonic stem cells. We observed that the relative amount of laminin-511 increases while the amount of laminin-521 decreases during early differentiation induced by retinoic acid. Additionally, we found that human embryonic stem cells express a wider range of different laminin chains than previously described, and that the laminin repertoire was independent of their differentiation status.
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rakufüsioloogia, rakuvaheaine, rakud, kasv, raku diferentseerumine, fibroplastid, laminiin, koetehnoloogia, cell physiology, cells (biology), growth, cell differentiation, laminin